
Showing posts from March, 2012

Im back?

Hi Im back after 12345678 years. This blog, You must have realized why I stopped blogging right? This blog brings back memories, always give me high hopes. Thus I stopped, cause I've moved on. But who cares? Im gonna start blogging about this kind's of stupid things again. Alot of things, Idk. Haiya, like last time.Things happen. I sometimes i really wonder if they still do give a shit about me. Tomorrow is my 2nd monthsary with love. Yes, Michele Indemini. Hehe, I love him. oh oh! Its sports day too. hehe. Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday. 21/20/19 March 2012 Monday, First day of term 1! wheepee? Skip to after english, went down for Circle time want to walk pass miss evelyn ooi class but didnt managed too. dayum! hahaa, oh well. Wen wei's class was beside me. Before that teacher gave us instructions. Shes like, "since you guys got enrichment, place your bags in the classroom and Im gonna release you guys 2minutes earlier" Bell rang. All ran out, Well 302's class....