Im back?
Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday. 21/20/19 March 2012
Monday, First day of term 1! wheepee? Skip to after english, went down for Circle time want to walk pass miss evelyn ooi class but didnt managed too. dayum! hahaa, oh well. Wen wei's class was beside me. Before that teacher gave us instructions. Shes like, "since you guys got enrichment, place your bags in the classroom and Im gonna release you guys 2minutes earlier" Bell rang. All ran out, Well 302's class.
Fatimah was like : Wanna go trop?
Then we were like super high, I dont know why. Cause we wanted to get the first and we wanted to rush, Soo fatimah was like 'THIS WAY!' we ran pass wenwei's class, we made alot of noise before that, laughing and all. Then im like " OI GOT CLASS LA" then i went "SHHHH" fatimah and atheerah had to bend down, lololol. When i was briskly walking fast, sort of running. Wenwei was sitting behind and he saw us. I mean like duh, We were super noisy. But.. ohh well :p Then Atheerah and Ifaaf abandoned us, and we turned back. Caught him looking ~ Went to trop, and coming back.. wenwei one whole gang like versus my gang. LOL. Serious, freaking mafia, The pavement so short, afirst he standing on the road.. then Idk. He suddenly walk at the pavement, I so unglam eating fries hair super messy, and hes right there. Walked pass me, by a few inches shoulder touching. hahahaha. who cares. After enrichment? Took the bus, and head to the MRT. When I was going up the escalator of the mrt. I happened to turned, and guess who? Shaziq. lol.
He saw me first and he went like " OH SHIT !" then he looked down, trying to hide his face. He was with Kamtai, Akram, Mike & Liyang. All of them said Hi to me, except for Shaziq. trolool. So yeah, obviously i didnt wanted to go with them, so I went like 4 separate rows from mine, Or probably five. Train came and then we all went in, I just stand there. And I saw Akram approaching to me, There was shaziq too. Akram ask me to sit, so.. I sat beside him.
We had a small conversation, and shaziq was right infront of me.
Akram : So, hows you and your bf? How long alr?
Me : err goodgood. Coming to two :) Then you? Your tweets so emo.
Akram : -starts telling me about his stories-
Me : ohh.. maybe she just doesnt wanna ruin your frienship with her. Besides youre her bestfriend. Its okay, you'll move on one day. For sure.
Akram : How would you know?
Me : it took me about a year and a half, so.. yeah. You'll meet someone better. Look at me for example.
And instantly Akram knew what i meant. I didnt want it to be akward.. so
I started to wave at Shaziq, and smiled. He did the same, BUT he rolled his eyes at me. Like in my face. oh god. whatever.
So tuesday, We had assembly at the last period, Pearl saw released us late and when i was walking up the stairs. I saw wenwei's class coming down, Couldnt be bothered. And when i was approaching near the stairs, he popped out -.- like infront of me. lol. urgh, In the hall more best, Everyone was squeezing and I apparently happened to stay beside him without noticing. Till i looked at the side. Everyone was released, His class first. and i was staring at miss manisah, whie talking to Jiahwee.
She's like " eh he look eh, you looking at miss manisah then he look at me at us. then you look he look away " so used to this. he turned twice, but like SUPER fast. Lightning.
Wednesday? Went trop, Came back with Fatimah and all. I saw the bus, My instinct told me to turn, and I turned just in time as the bus drove pass, I saw shaziq sitting at the back sit. He turned too. Super dramatic. HAHAHA.
See this is so annoying, for one day. I swear, I dont wanna clash or ever meet up with them. But what to do? Same level somemore. Le sigh.
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