Scrambled up.

Thursday, 14th March 2013
Heyy. Today is a.. Sad and soppy night. Everyone's moody, by that I mean everyone. Ever had that feeling when you don't know who to trust anymore? Like everyone's living in a big lie. How would you feel When u call ur bestfriend and she doesn't pick up the phone when all you need is to just spill everything out and to ask how's everything because youve been busy w your schedule and you don't have time for anyone. This sucks . when everything goes wrong, like when finally you want to let it out how u feel that's when they just disapprove of you? Like yknow, all of a sudden. Attitude. It's not that im scolding her or anything but even little advices she doesnt want to take, it makes u feel well... Pointless? Useless? Its not that I don't wanna tell her stuff but Sometimes that's the reason why I dont share my stuffs w my bestfriend, ironic how my bestfriend isn't my bestfriend. Get that feel? Yeah me too. It's just the title, but the real friendship? Zero. Maybe there are times we've been there for each other but I guess that's what only close friends would do? I guess I'm just being an emotional fag. Haha? Things got worst when i found out that C, us still mad at me? Hais, Atleast I have the heart to fix this or I guess I won't. Why are fighting over guys? I mean seriously, This is utterly bullshit, I can't be friends w who I wanna be w. I don't even know that C was close to S before that. I'm not mad or angry, I'm just disappointed in myself. What kind of friend am I? I don't even take notice of their friendship and here I am "ruining" theirs when I don't even know shit. Well maybe about X, I guess he's just close to me just for his crush. I don't know, guess everyone's looking at me differently now. I don't know what to do, I'm lost. I don't know who to trust, I feel like a pathetic loser. Maybe I am?


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