Thursday, 3rd November 2011
Early in the morning, woke up. Head to polyclinic with parents for injection. Went to eat breakfast with them at Bedok South with parents then met up with Ifaaf at her place since it was near. Texted bby since shes wide awake. Met her up in school, Chit chat and shit. Till we saw salman, Hes a damn stalker. hehehe, Helped out with her letter. Salman was sitting on the bench like some bangla whistling to himself. Time strike twelve, bby damn kiasu and excited for the resulrs. Wee. We all got into 302! Me, Jiahwee, Ifaaf & Amirah. I got the subject combinations i want, so time to work hard. POA, Biology, Art, Geography. YAY! Amin. Checked his name, whoa. He's in 312, Smart ass. Bestf? couldnt find out till i got home, and he said 311. woo So, When im in 203, He's in 213. Then now tebalik? Like a cool only. Salman did not get into the Express Stream, like yay! Remember the letter that I was talking about? Helping bby' Well we were both planning on how to give it to Jun. Then I suggested I should do the talking, since wenwei would listen to me. Or else he'd take it as a joke. We practise first before that, freaking funny. HAHAHA. So yeah, Jiahwee laugh here and there trying to get her script right. Then she laughlaugh. LOL. We wanted to go back home, till we remembered about the letter. Since non of us are going back to schhol, So Jiahwee texted him and said it was an urgent text. hahaha, He asked us to wait for him at the staffroom cause well.. he was otw. We waited for him, since he wanted to look for his results. Wah liao, He still got time go around to his friends and all, when we have an important task to give him. Then finally hes like, " eh Jiahwee" I was infront of her, then I dont know I just approached him. He was looking and talking to Jiahwee about something, and I suddenly gave him the letter without a word or shit. and zomg, When standing infront of him, he is dayum tall. He looked at the letter, looked at me as If the letter was from me wondering if he should take it or not. I wanted to say something, but my mouth.. was kinda heavy then till I said "for your bro" I said something I forgot. He didnt seem to be listening to me, I guess cause he was talking to Jiahwee and apparently didnt even look at me at all. He talked to Jiahwee as if im invisible, like Can go through like that. Finally, I called him stupid. LOL. I forgot for what purpose. ohmygod, he didnt even... ugh. Is it that difficult to look at me and talk? Oh yeah I forgot, that was one of your tatic to actually 'move on' and 'forget me' . Took the train to the Airport ate lunch at BK, took the free slide with Ifaaf alot of times. WHOA. best! Then head home, Some freaky apek dude was looking and observing me and Ifaaf when we were lovingloving trying to make fun of potato and amirah. But inside we humiliated ourselves, but it was really funny. Took the train from tanah merah, And I wanted to stop at tampines hoping i could see.. yknow. Bestfriend. I was thinking about him, but then suddenly I changed my mind and thought back. Maybe not eh, Since I got tuition then later late. So I reached pasir ris, looked at the television screen there to see what time the bus comes. So I thought three would come earliest, then the thing changed to the latest. So fed up, I walked out all the way so far. Then I check again, Since 5 was the fastest. I walked there, and when im talking. I stopped. I paused. Is that... shaziq? I was damn shock, since I was in a rush. I stopped there, looked at him. And there was like a whole crowd of people. And I swear, It looked as if like it was in a movie. The whole slow motion background thing, And except for him. omg, He was there he was looking down on his longboard. Then I just stopped there, till he looked up and he saw me. He too was shocked. Travis his friend? Was like, "oh shit". And he looked at me. So I just walked pass shaziq, as if I dont recognize him. ouch. I kept wondering why he was there. And I wonder if 103912130183 questions are on his head, wondering why he' always seem to clash with me at uncertain moments. hmm.
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