HeyHi. Omg. HappyBirthdayMummy. Anyways, this past few months has been real tough for me but I can manage it through. Well with some help of course. hehe. I guess, Im finally over those two idiots. Yay! But I wont be surprised if the feelings ever comes back though. Cant believe he's been mingling but no girl want him. bluek. Jiahwee just found out this, The girls he likes doesnt want him, but the girls he used to like all want him back. okay ew, I dont wanna be one of them. He went to korea, oh okay. dayum. And I cant believe he asked everyone else for their contact number except for me... wait no i dont care. Anyways, Shaziq. I saw his tweet. " I fucking miss you bestfriend :( " ooooo. wonder who's his new bestfriend. okay wait noooooooo. Im not suppose to give a fuck about any of this anymore. Cause, all I want now is to finally be happy and to finally move on.. well lets take it slow. I've been saying that for like 2730183012 times that I wanna move on but.. oh fuck. Those feelings... Jealousy Hatred and etc. Gone. Like, I couldnt be bothered anymore. okay lets not talk about the past anymore. Hmmm. I've got this friend of mine.. wait no not friend. Close friend. Eh no not friend. Stranger. He's a really nice guy. He actually makes me happy, like no more emo nemo. hahaha, & I guess if it werent for him, i wouldnt be able to forget about him. Yeah even though we've known each other for 5 months I swear, its like ive known him like forever. We share secrets, We make fun of each other, We stayed up late for each other. hmm, close strangers indeed. And yeah, He has his hard times but he never fails to smile eventhough, I know deep down it cuts like a knife, he still manages to say those two words "im okay". & sometimes, I swear i feel so bad cause I couldnt help. Fuck those bitches who made him sad, I mean he's fucking worth it. Blind bitches. He's really sweet and nice well, if you get to know him well oh and irritating. -.- but grrr. Dont know how to appreciate. bodoh nak mampus. And despite the fact that girl hurt him bad, he never gives up. okay, THAT taught me alot though. Oh and btw, wanna know who am i refering to? MicheleRayIndemini. Okay so he might not be perfect and shit, but who cares? He's sort of my close friend. Forever will be. :) I never regret meeting him. He sort of made me realise, that those other guys aint worth to cry for. Show me, you're different from those other useless dickheads. woo! Jiayou. I bet you're way better than them eh? Stranger. :) I trust you. wheeee.
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