
Saturday, 25 January 2014 Weekends? I usually don't blog during weekends but something surprising happened today. & I just had to pen down my thoughts. So remember when I said bestfriend couldn't speak to me again? I was wrong. Everything did went smoothly and yeah we're still talking. I'm super glad, I don't ever wanna lose him. Basically, he's like my other half. But the sophisticated-goodie-two-shoes kind, while I on the other hand isn't. We're two different people but we sure can click. Anywhosies, I went for religious class today and he wasnt there. He told me he's going to an it fair at expo cos he needs a new laptop, when all of a sudden I too decided to join in. Besides, it's been weeks since I last saw him (Kinda missed my bff) so I decided that maybe my parents could took me there. Had dinner blablabla, ...