Saturday, January 25 2014
Wow, the last time I blogged was a few weeks ago. Time does fly by quickly, its already 1:20am. I think I'm suffering from insomnia (lol), sleeping at 5am in the morning and waking up at 2 in the afternoon. Yes that's basically my daily sleeping routine. 😓 bohoooooo. So what have I been doing staying up all night? Oh simple! Watching sex and the city. I honestly fell in love with their whole series, they're like my love advisers. Yes I know I sound ridiculous but hey, it kinda made me want to change into someone better. Hahahaha.
Not only do they give great sex advice but also relationship advices. Yes, I am aware that I am alittle too young but hey it could come in handy for the future(most likely when I'm in my 30s & married) Hehe.
On a serious note, I can't stop thinking about him.Everytime i see him talking to her, being with her, it got me thinking. Did i matter? Even as a friend, did i? All he ever cared about is her. I get so agigated and angry everytime i see them together. I know it was my fault, I'm the one responsible who broke all connections with him, instead of feeling powerful. Here i am, regretting.. Why doesnt he feel the slightest amount of remorse? Gahhh. I need to get this feeling of my chest b'cos this game isn't what I signed up for.
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