
Showing posts from December, 2011

bestest day of my whole entire life.

My boyfriend! He's so.. goodlooking. Okay not hot. I like his hair. Reminds me of someone. not to be mention. LOL. seriously. but whatever. got over it, really really. My bestie still the best lah okay, Michele Indemini please? :) Friday, 23rd December 2011 HeyHi! HappyHappyday for me please. I swear. Met up with Bestie to buy his mom and brother christmas gift and Aliah. How nice :B Anyways, uhm met at somerset. oooo, I can spot him from here. hahaha, Aliah was like "seriously?! thats him? O:" Walked to HnM, we were like literally going round in circles. Trying to get th perfect gift for his mother. omg, I cannot uh. When I shop with a guy, and he knows what i like. Like so awkward like that, hahahaha. Got his mum a white Jacket. Nice eh, I like. I mean if his mum doesnt want it, I do! Plus its S :p hahahha, walked to Ion. Like all the way, passed by Takashimaya and We keep on asssuming what if Sazlynna was there? lol. wild imaginations~ Hungry as fuck. Headed to topsho

2nd outing with bestie!

Wednesday, 21th December 2011 heyhey! went out with bestie, baby and naufal today was awesum. Hmm, met them at the promenade and uhmm. Lost naufal at first, who ask him to go up? selenge. hehe. anyways, me and jiahwee were talking about.. yeah the usuals. Turn around and I saw bestie. tsk, all red. hahaha, with his cap. alala. hahaha, walked all the way to the singapore flyer. what the f, almost kena hit my the car. They left me alone, gahhh. hahaha, uhm. Makan popeyes, cannot habis. uhmm ah. Jalan back to Marina Square wanted to bowl no place. Pool, omg kena bullied. I was forced too.. uhm ahhhhh. okay, played arcade with baby. lalalalallalaa, Truth or dare. stalked saz.. uhmm I guess we lepak for awhile and yeah. Balik, yknow why I dont wanna talk in detail? cause when I reread this post. I would remember what exactly happened. aww, okay. so sweet. ~ wheee. Its weird how day by day, when we get closer. Im starting to like you even more

you mean alot to me.

Sunday, 18th December 2011 These pass few days. Im glad to say i've never been sad about anything. Well okay, maybe abit when.. Sabrina had to write on Shaziq's wall with heart shapes and "i'll always be there for you. text me" wtf. Oh no its okay. Im fine with it, looks like he's lonely now. In his face. hahahaa. I've been really really happy, Thank you. Yknow who you are. I know he's not the same like those idiots. I can feel it myself, Im glad that he's happy too. And wenwei? oh fuck him. Looks like he has no other girls left. Bullshit. Clap hands. ahhahaa. I dont wanna be like last time with all those guys. I just wanna stick to one. Only my bestfriend. I dont want anyone else, cause I guess my bestfriend is the only person who can make me happy. Eventhough we barely meet and shit, He's always been there. Tahan my attitude and shit. I just want someone who wont give up on me. Eventhough sometimes I feel down, trust me its not permanent ca

First outing with bestie :)

hehe, guess who? Wo de hao pen you. Hehe so cute :3 shh. dont tell him i said that. & like finally we got to hang out! It was really awkward at first but I break the ice. Lol as usual ~ so awesum. Friday, 9 December 2011 heyhoo. I couldnt sleep exactly on the 8th of december.. krik krik. Oh oh oh ya! It was... uhmm 1year 2months anniversary eh? If it were to last. okay whatever. Had plans on this day. Went out with bestfriend! yaaay! err no. Its not him anymore. aww sadly, he's been replaced. With someone wayway much special to me. Wonder how he feels.. hmm. Oh well. Woke up superb early lah seriously. 10plus and i had to bathe or else it would take forever for me to siap. Text puffy and head down to somerset. Guess who i bumped into? haha, Akram. So.. our conversation went like this. Me : eh! Hi. Where you going? Meeting up with Jarett? omg you've grown taller. Him : Oh no lah. meeting my primary school friends. No lah. so short. Me : then.. why tchoukball baju? no lah