you mean alot to me.

Sunday, 18th December 2011
These pass few days. Im glad to say i've never been sad about anything. Well okay, maybe abit when.. Sabrina had to write on Shaziq's wall with heart shapes and "i'll always be there for you. text me" wtf. Oh no its okay. Im fine with it, looks like he's lonely now. In his face. hahahaa. I've been really really happy, Thank you. Yknow who you are. I know he's not the same like those idiots. I can feel it myself, Im glad that he's happy too. And wenwei? oh fuck him. Looks like he has no other girls left. Bullshit. Clap hands. ahhahaa. I dont wanna be like last time with all those guys. I just wanna stick to one. Only my bestfriend. I dont want anyone else, cause I guess my bestfriend is the only person who can make me happy. Eventhough we barely meet and shit, He's always been there. Tahan my attitude and shit. I just want someone who wont give up on me. Eventhough sometimes I feel down, trust me its not permanent cause I guess its time for me to appreciate the things around me and not the past. Its just a lesson i had to learn. I mean why the fuck must I emo cause of a guy who left me and a guy who loves his ego so much that he wont sanggup to lose our friendship. Knncb. Its time also I have to concentrate on my studies, Nothing else. No other guys. I promise. New years resolution? Im so not gonna turn back anymore. Feelings can change. I hope you realise it eh wenwei/shaziq? Eventhough I still talk about them.. well It doesnt really matter to me anymore. Immature shit. grrrr. hehe. I wont repeat my mistakes. Im gonna be a better happy person from now on. hehe yay! I think without you, I wouldnt have become the person I am right now. You mean alot to me. Thank you so much. I trust you.

Thank you. I love you bestfriend


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