bestest day of my whole entire life.
Friday, 23rd December 2011
HeyHi! HappyHappyday for me please. I swear. Met up with Bestie to buy his mom and brother christmas gift and Aliah. How nice :B Anyways, uhm met at somerset. oooo, I can spot him from here. hahaha, Aliah was like "seriously?! thats him? O:" Walked to HnM, we were like literally going round in circles. Trying to get th perfect gift for his mother. omg, I cannot uh. When I shop with a guy, and he knows what i like. Like so awkward like that, hahahaha. Got his mum a white Jacket. Nice eh, I like. I mean if his mum doesnt want it, I do! Plus its S :p hahahha, walked to Ion. Like all the way, passed by Takashimaya and We keep on asssuming what if Sazlynna was there? lol. wild imaginations~ Hungry as fuck. Headed to topshop, till we saw A&F. took picture with the angmoh, that looks EXTREMELY not interesed. Aliah lah! keep on pestering me. bestie there, act as if he's interested also. hehe. Terpakse, so cute I swear. Ate Fish & Co. Ion orchard! :) shitzxc He knows I stalk him. ahahhaa. oh well. I know he stalks me too :p annoying eh annoying. Was finding for challenger, found it! thanks to me~ walked here and there i swear tiring like shit. Walked to wheelock, and enrico was there with roger. Shocking moments. heee. Shit raining heavily, Aliah wanted to walk back so... Me and bestie share the umbrella. Secretly, my leg got blister thats why i was walking reallyreally slow. aww, hold onto bestie. lock my arms together with his. I swear I thought he's going to elak me or something but he didnt. ._. he just stayed? just nice my head near his shoulder length. im like freaking short lah, still can say average just to make me happy. Somerset ate coldrock, my vanilla cookiedough damn shiok. suap him, im so sweet. awww. he did the same too. i dont get him, everytime look at me then starestare. Nice ah?! hahahaha. Aliah really wanted a freaking 33$ Sweater. And she still cant get over it. So we had to walk back to A&F, just to see if they happen to change the guy or not. Lolololol. Love walking in the rain, dont care if im wet. Well i was under the umbrella with my bestfriend obviously wouldnt it get any better? haahha. skipskip everything~ omggggg, idiot said minah fight with minah. sad life, silent treatment for him. but I cannot tahan myself, and I had to talk to him. hehe. I love the way he looks at me, like when i look away and happen to look at him again. He will give me that look. did the same :p two can play it the same game. hehe, going back home. aliah in the toilet. he and I was like so close, i gotta admit i love it :x He grab my hand. lalalalalalaa~ played thumb wrestling. why he gimme chance?! ): idiot. I can win luh. trust me, i didnt wanna say goodbye. I swearrrrr, i love his hugs. when he said 'never let go'. when guys hug tighter (: eeeeks. last glance when we said goodbye and walk away. dayummmmm. wheeeeeeeeee~ shh. Love today.
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