sad face.


Thursday, 5th January 2011
Heyhi! Got my goodmorning text from Michele. Hehe, yaay! Well, today? Uhm. We've known each other since June the 5th. Last year, so uhm. 7th month now? But we werent that close then. It was October then we became close? Surprisingly. Love my bestfriend! Never ending? Jom! So today, uhm. Was kinda interesting. Amaths? We thought free period. blahblahblah. Skip. After geography, i walked straight to Mother tongue thought it was the normal class and I thought he would be downstairs chinese class? Walk up only. I see him and 'bestfriend' together walking somemore heading to art. Im like O.O so uhm, He saw me. He hide inside the toilet. ahahahahha. He was talking to ms kee, my art teacher~I still wonder why he and him can still be friends. like hello?! share girl also can ah? Had art for the last period and oh I had a heart to heart conversation with Salman. So it goes something like this. If I remember ah. Salman ask me to sit with him at first, I said no. u want you come sit with me and my friend, then he came. Since he alone, so i also ask lah. And he started talking. The conversation was all in malay, but.. I'll change it to english. & I shorten the convo also.

Salman : eh where you live ah? Pasir ris which part?
Me : How yknow i live at pasir ris? Stalker pe.
Salman : Idk i remember?
Salman : eh why you reject my offer sia, go home tgt?
Me : I dont want, I got plans. You dont expect me to break my promise right? and further more got one of your friend there i dont like. So no thank you.
Salman : ohh. I was pissed eh. Who? Wenwei?
Me : Who else right?
Salman : Yknow he hates you right?
Me : Ya and ? So? I dont care lol. but why uh?
Salman : Idk, He never tell.
Me : I think i know why, I broke his heart. AHAHAHA.
Salman : really? He never told me before. He told me that whatever i do. Dont go close to you? He wants to help but like he cannot?
Me : why cannot?
Salman : Idk he, I ask him he never say. I tried asking him to know everything about you, he ignores me. Oh and did yknow that he said when he was with you he didnt like you at all?
Me : WHAT THE FUCK? HE'S THE FUCKING DESPERATE ONE. I give face sia, cause i pity him. Cry infront of me somemore. Fucker.

Theres more to this though. But im super lazy and tired. hehe. Will blog soon :) lalala.

why are you trying so hard to forget me?


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