1st day of school, 2012.
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Heyhey! First day of school. wohooo! Well, im suppose to go to school with them.. But dad said he wanted to send me to school.. so why not? hehe. Reached school about 630? First person I saw? Akmal! Hahaha, He look super matrep with his long pants. And then Thila, gave her a big hug. omg, miss her. Went into the canteen, and sat with my lovelies 203. Uhm, Jianhao and Frans was there, then Weixiang and then Timothy and then Ravi then Izak. They look super weird with long pants, and Im already hyper. Hahaha, Asked Ravi about Yasmina and he's like "Im SOO OVER IT" like WHOA, guys. And he's like, "You?" And I changed subject. ahhh. I think about 655? He came. Thila told me to turn, and say look! And I turn and omg....... so... ugly. He cut his hair, short but.. anyways. As always he's forever at the far end table, hais. Then my girls came and.. We sat with potato and his gang. They forever noisy. Hug adenan cause he said he wants it! hahahaha, why directly straight?! and then Shaziq came.. FAT BABI. Went up the hall, the guys look so much bigger I swear. Sat down and all. the talk was like 2hours okay. BUTT CRAMP. Jarett looked at me and smiled. err.. hahaha. Home room, omg saw SALMAN. eee. ahh, then got to know classmates. Not bad.. Shannon is cute. lolol. Recess, and yknow when i came down from the staircase, and walk straight to the canteen. The FIRST guy i saw was him. But he was from the field side, hais. Hopes. Things like this... like so much coincidence since last year. Okay no. He walked in, and sat down. View so great from here. Bought food sat down, aww can see him. I mean he was kinda facing at my direction. I LOOKED AWAY, and forced myself not to look. I mean, so over it eh? Oh I was eating, I wanted to look at shaziq but I saw him looking at me first then he looked away. uhm okay.. Chemistry, Maths, Assembly. omg my name kena called for good progress, so malu lah. In the end go down nothing, cause I collected it already. Went down wanted to grab lunch, and Ifaaf thought potato was at the foyer. omg i turn and from the carpark at the general office. I see him walking to the foyer, shit lah. Annoying please. Danial and his other friend behind him. And then he walked pass me and looked at the other way, the crap bro. And woooo, I think i caught him looking but whatever. Cause I also look, hais. Oh and he went back right? He walked behind me, like super tall omg. When he walked pass only Amirah and Ifaaf automatically kept quiet, and i was the only one talking about meeting bestfriend. and they were like ' err ya ya ' , danial gave me that look. ALWAYS lah he. when he is with him and happen to walk pass me. This is what i hate about school. But sec3.. uhm no clashes. YAY. hehe, after POA. met up with bestfriend. He damn cute with his new hairstyle, like seriously. Potato step speak english like angmoh cause he think that bestfriend angmoh cannot speak malay. LOL. Amirah left and we went one round 222, Idiot he made me laugh all the way. Told him about his story, whoa.. hahaha. Made a pinky promise, that.. uhmm. Secret ah. He made me laugh all the way my stomach cramp, people all stare. He smell so good, I got this bad habit of smelling people. oops. Walked to Kembangan saw Nellie and the rest. hehe, hmm. kembangan? where memories were made then gone~ what the hell. AHHAHAA. Well i hope this wont ;) ehh bestfriend. hehe.
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