First Picture: Ifaaf's and my creation. Lovely isnt it? hahahaa.
Second Picture: Rock band! We all got tired so we sat down for awhile. hehe.
Third Picture: I cant live without.
Fourth picture: Just dance 4. It was a great work out.
Thursday, 13irteen December 2012
oh my god, I read back my last post and im like *facepalm* bloody hell. I didnt check my mistakes. So embarassing. Anyways, today was pretty much the best time i ever had with my friends. Its been a long time since we hang out during the holidays, everyone's so busy with their own life. Practically have time to meet them, but I'm glad I did. Woke up at 10, As always checked twitter. Gosh, I wonder who are your tweets referring to but i couldnt be bothered to care so whatever. Got up and dressed, had lunch with Amirah and straight away went to meet them. It was great, we played RockBand. Sang songs. Had loads of fun, I didnt even had a single thought in my mind. Being around your friends is the best medicine you'll ever have seriously. So after all that fun, we headed to LJS. Played confession time, Din's question.. gosh. To be honest, That caught me off guard. I guess i just miss L, but maybe i should stop. but wait, Is it wrong to still care but you dont care? okay, definitely you guys wont understand.. Idk. He changed, but Idc.. guess that feeling's still the same. Ahhh, I'll never give myself high hopes like last time thinking there are 'signs' never. Like wherever i go, there'll always be something that remind me of you. But i try not to think of it that way, don't wanna get crushed or hurt. But I'll just wait, if anything happens which i doubt it would. and did i mention? I miss my goodfriend, H. He's still in America having much more fun then me while I'm here, Where is his wise words when i need it. Different guys coming in my life, I just dont have any interest in talking to any. The most, I'll just be friends. Its tiring really. But I'll just go with the flow next year, being in a real r/s again.. I'm gonna take really long time just like last time. But maybe this time alittle different? No crushes, No nothing. It's okay taking the wrong turns before meeting prince charming, I'm just feeling numb. Will see. I really need to learn how to sleep early btw, eyebags and dark circles.. superbly unglam. Stay home friday tomorrow. ttfn :)
'someday you and me will find ourselves in love again.'
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