My girl. (:

Zahidah's love d:
That girl, beside me, who? ohh yeah. Its my dearest baby, Nur Sabrina Binte Najib. yeahh man, she's one awesome lady. hee, wait. girl. hoo. She did well for her psle, better than me. Baikk, jealous ): Hahahaha, she got 205. I got 191. booo, k i know i suck. Well, not only that she's my dearest friend too, Very nice, Very cute and absolutely pretty. heee, fyeah. She's my one and only adek, and i find her very awesome ✌ ohh yeah. hahahah. Some dude, broke her heart like one week ago, pfft. ohh well, whuts done been done, she did the right thing to move on. Im so proud of her (': Well, i hope for the best for her. Hopefully she comes to PingYi. -prays- hee.
Ohh yeah, I love her :D Eventhough we met once, and hugged once. She's totally awesome, small and )#&!)!*@!&@)*! cute. :P heeeeee, kla. Im done bye. Oh, fyeah. I love her, she's damn nice i tell you once you get to know her, very humble. huuuuu, she's mine. k bye ✌
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