
urgh, zahidah. look what you've done, now you want your bestf back. omg, sham. you're right, I think i do like him :/ fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-ck la can? AND OMG, 5 months single for meeeeeeeeeeee :) yaaaay. brava zahidah! make it to one year okay? Wednesday, 30 march 2011. woke up at like, six plus. hahaha, cause its fucking wednesday :) sooo, school started at 8 plus. so like i headed to mac. ohmyg. wanna know something weird that happened again?! so when i was otw to mac, i thought bestf would be there with the others, but he didnt. I was supposed to wait for amirah but shes like freaking late laa, she took taxi with keshvin -.- pfft. hahahhaa, saw faris talked to him then i took the same double deck bus as him. and guess what?! when i turned, bestf was there. uuuuuuuuurgh. see! fucking weird and yeah weird. :/ I got this awkward moment with him, i was kinda smiling to myself cause faris was like asking me to stop drinking my drink or else i'll get "stomped...