Awesum Fridayyy :)

why im blogging about friday? idontknow, cause its like awesum. Well, this happened about a few fridays ago. hahahaha. There was two fridays to take note actually, well. Apparently both fridays were nice. hahahaha. Apparently i forgot whats the date, sorry! ):
Friday, Part 1.
So today? hahaha, was fine. Daily routine, i woke up slightly late again. Haha, eh look! its lucas, yknow. seeing him made my day, so so much. He waved and hes like so friendly please. In the hall, I sat beside this china girl, name Jiang lin. I asked for her name in chinese. I iz pro please. hahaa! First period, Mr tan! :)) yaay. Hes not gonna teach in our school anymore, sadded. Cause he said our class is superb irritating, which is not. cause really, our class depends on the teacher. ahahha, So Jia hwee was like," zahidah! come here" I went to her, and she told me shes having lunch with HIM HIM. I was like REALLY? she asked me to follow her, so i agreed then. IH was nice, me and Ifaaf was like berangan to have a freaking big mansion. Recess, then home econs. Miss nura no voice ): sadded. So that rukshana must teach, we cooked apple crumble! :) I was suppose to stay back for envi club, i cabot since i promised a friend. So yeah, whatever. We have a new china guy in my class, he is goodlooking please. HAHAHA. Joel, brendon, Ernest bullied me and jia hwee for being SHORT. i was like, WHAT? really? HAHAHA. He then came, then we walked. Jia hwee felt super awkward. hahaa, she damn cute la. my girlfriend please, So while we were at trop. His lil-bro was freaking shit there. almost freaking out, im not suppose to be seen with him for gods sakes. HE then asked me about his lil-bro what happened between us to. He was interviewing me, and all he he did was like stare. He was at superdog thingy, and we were at trop. Armapal was there, he disturbed me together and his gang. the fuck? HE then went off super quick, i screamed his name and run towards him. I turned to look at HIM. and yeah, he was still looking. & I knew i was dead meat. HE sabo-ed me cause i wasnt wearing a tie, shits. there was this sec three girl, i mean whats up with her? she thinks i like him -_- fuck. go and die. We stayed back to the math project, and yeah together with brendon and joel. I was dancing with him superb fun. we went back late after that, hehehehe.
Friday, Part 2.
blahblahblahblah, lets skip to after school. So yeah, I had to meet up with joshuah, going back home together. Then Amirah and Thila will be meeting me at Downtown to have lunch there. So yeah, while walking towards trop. That ryan dude was there, and Josh had to make a decision between who and whom to follow. He chose me! :) cause he pan sai me a lot of times already, so yeah. :D YAY! so we walked to kembangan with Jun. hehehe, and yeah, superb fun. They were like making sound effects and bullcrap. then, going down the stairs. There was this conversation
Jun : So, I bet my bro didnt walk you back home huh?
Me : err. yes he does.
Jun : omg!? really? wow. So.. you guys had your first kiss yet?
Me : errrrrrrrrrr. um, yeah?
Jun : WHERE?!
Me : -points location-
Jun : HAHAHAHAHA, so how was it like? It must be his first time kissing.
-awkward silence-
Joshuah was talking about some girl stuff, i mean about their girlfriend thingy last time.
It felt weird, but atleast now i knew how guys would talk about us. HAHAHA. Jun continued asking me questions, like all the way. so much funnn :) He went to tampines mall with josh, expecting me to come. But i cant, bohoo. So now we're like goodfriends i guess. heee. I ate magic wok with amirah and thila, they loved it. weeeeeeeee, nights! :) superb tired.
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