Last week, IPW!

I love camp, alot please. I mean my instructors are like super gerek! to the max, hehee. So like the first day, we got to know each other. My instructors name was Wan&Mok. But i got Wan, Ifaaf group is Mok. omg, The instructors first impression of me was minah, sadded. hahahaa, i am not! eventhough, i act as the minah tudung. but im not): hahaha. so yeah, we had loads of fun, surprisingly. Our camp got beds! hahaha, so i slept beside ifaaf. hee. Check in, and then started of with the activities, I was closer to Mok first. then, like after the past few hours, after washing up and all. theres this instructor, his name is, Zul. He disturbed me with the dirtydirty stuff. stupidddd me. During lunch, I asked mok for him. then he was like, OHHHHH U LIKE ZUL ISIT? i was like -__- NOOOOOOO! mok and wan then disturbed me, adnan was like, "eh zahidah. I think wan jealous uh" i was like -__- adnan please, our age difference. But wan, is kinda goodlooking yknow :x truthfully, about like the second day i was close to wan, And then mok started asking me, "zahidah, be truthful. You got boyfriend?" I was like, "no but ex have uh" Then wan and mok was like listening so attentively, and they replied, " how many?" I said -inserts number of name-. They then asked who, i said in this camp now. Wan asked me to show him who, so yeah. During lunch, he was near the column of the wall. When HE walked pass, wan asked for his name so i gave. and he was like," -inserts name- ! " then he turned and gave the, O.o - look. i hide myself at first and yeah. So after all that fun and crap, time to sleep. weee. I slept with ifaaf, i literally jumped on her, and flattened her. hehehehe, she loikes. hahahaa, jia hwee was in the middle. So yeah, second day. Had a race, superb fun. Ravi lead, me and adnan slack behind. wan was like," eh you guys, stop flirting la" well. We've been close to each other since day one, cause we both were in the same group. Wan asked me how my sister looked like and asked for the age and blahblahblah, we talked. hahaha, and so he got the picture. He didnt wanna give back (till now) cause i didnt wanna tell him the meaning of "U JELLY?" and yeah, so on. ahhahaha, superb fun. Adnan suspects the unexpected. which is weird, the NA's played with mud, but ours was wayyyyyy awesum-er than theirs. okay bye! :)
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