
Wednesday, 30 march 2011.
woke up at like, six plus. hahaha, cause its fucking wednesday :) sooo, school started at 8 plus. so like i headed to mac. ohmyg. wanna know something weird that happened again?! so when i was otw to mac, i thought bestf would be there with the others, but he didnt. I was supposed to wait for amirah but shes like freaking late laa, she took taxi with keshvin -.- pfft. hahahhaa, saw faris talked to him then i took the same double deck bus as him. and guess what?! when i turned, bestf was there. uuuuuuuuurgh. see! fucking weird and yeah weird. :/ I got this awkward moment with him, i was kinda smiling to myself cause faris was like asking me to stop drinking my drink or else i'll get "stomped". HAHAHHAHA, im like ye la whatever la faris. then sham distrub me, saying that we both are fated -.- im likeeeeeee the fuck? remember A? yeah! its like the same incident that happen. 2 twice in a row, sekali ah. tomorrow see HIM, trololololololol. nahhh, jk. okay so like, the lessons in schools were fine. hahhaa, oh! I was at the hall, for assembly. I kinda picked up my courage and started to talk to HIM. hahahhahaa. I walked up to him and was like, "hey, are you okay?" He turned looked at me, didnt smile or anything. and he just nodded his head. and then i smiled and walked off. xD oh yeah, forgot something i was smiling all the way to myself too actually. hahahhaa, okay. anyways, skip todays shitty things. so lets move on to science which was the last period, i sat beside Liu yang, this china guy. I got so fed up please with teacher cause i wanted to sit beside the window to look at people. heeh. then yeah, we talked, i think hes friend likes me -.- HAHAH, okay whatever. so science was done, and i walked out. "JOSHUAAAAAAAH" then i ran up to him, omg he damn emo please. i sadded. Jun so damn kpo, i scolded him \m/ hahahha, then he tried to act big. failed, then i turned i saw.. A. urgh, he looked at me i turned away, i kinda take a second look :/ so yeah. satisfied, hahaha. i walked down wanted to wait for amirah, alamak she damn slow so i walkwalk around, urgh bestf is like EVERYWHERE. I turn only he's there, like everytime. fucking 037107410832101 u know. i saw sean, i walked to him and disturb him, pulling his back and all, outside the gate. shoikk :) Helped Joey waved a taxi and stuff like that, it was fun. then, HE. omg, HE was there, he walked outside and so.. I think he saw me with sean, he was suppose to go together with his friends. being able to see me, he walked to another direction. Is. He. Jealous? cause i was like damn close to sean. He was forced back to go back with his friends cause he had no one and so he ran pass me :/ He didnt look. uhmm. hahhaa, anyways. disturbed mader and anis went back to school and joel also, super shoik. hahahhaha, wee. Followed amirah, and khairullah and adenan to take amirah's phone and bam! we went to bedok point, talk crap. Like real bestfriends do, ohyeahh~ was fun. okay la byee! got tuition :/
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