all you gotta do, is find happiness(:

hihi! today, is probably the best day ever. Im such a happyhappy bitch, first things first!
woke up, tralallaal. went to school, went up to the mrt, OMG FUCKING BITCH ITS LUCAS CHIA MAN HON. well, you guys probably know who he is :P for those he doesnt then, he's of course. My crush, my VERY FIRST CRUSH in primary school. waited for him like 3 years, okay. im that desperate for him last time k :P now nooooooooo, but he waved and smiled at me k. okay, over reacted, wadever. im cool man, bitch. k. Anyways, first period pe, then do the stretch thingy and then CT, was like awesome. I told my friends about i met a friend :P which is lucas, HOHO. recess, was awesome. okay, he looked at me. well, i glanced at him though didnt looked. I was holding hands with ifaaf swing and being all happy. twirling round and round and yeah, so high. then told sabrina about lucas, then yaya. i looklook, i guess he was kinda looking at me with the 'wtf? why is zahidah so happy-kinda-look' u know? hahaha, then i shout here and there then science i spy here and there, then i talk to myself. i was so happy, thanks alot lucas! aww, hheeeh. and yeah, blahblahblah. until now happyhappy, oh! met danish, he feed me makan :DDDDDD k wadever. bye!
sometimes i wonder, why dont you ever look into my eyes and smile? are you afraid, that one day if i did that to you. you'll fall in love with me again? ://
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