yes, you're worth it.

so um, yeah. today school, great? i guess.
All i wanna know is. have you, moved on? :/
went to school, saw alif at inter talked to him, oh! before that, daddy woke up again, to give me breakfast (': love you daddy. sent me of to the mrt, took a seat. then daydreaming, and u know wad? suddenly lucas walked pass me, smiled and waved. OMG. i was like, hehehehe. to myself. k gile i know. reached school, raining. got off bus, he's there. like right beside me, stupid alif walk so fast. then i catch up, he drop his floorball stick :P walked to the canteen, people stare. we like so kecoh can, with our tie and all. HAHA. then other table, u know who stared. wadeveee. oh, went up school hall. then took pledge blahblahblah. firs period, PE ! played the flyfly thingy. dont know how spell. scold yiyi :P hehee, bastard ah. CT, was boring. really boring, madam rubiah ahmad ah -.- oh! here's the best part recess. so i was buying my food, at the malay stall. and so a few mintues later he came, and he's reaction was like 'should i go beside her to order my food or should i like just stand behind her' can see uh, cause he was like moving front and back and front and back. in the end he chose to stand beside me, i looked at him, and stared. he purposely looked down, heh. then idk wads up with me i then said, " Hi -inserts name-:D " he ignore, then i say, " woii, u okay or not" (i dont know why the hell did i say that) then the vendor was like, -inserts name- ! eh, shes talking to you la." then he looked at me, smiled and said, "Hi zahidah" hahahaa. i looked at him, and smiled. weirddddddddddddddd, i think he didnt wanna talk to me cause you-know that awkward feeling kinda thing. i walked back to my table with the food, then while talking to my friends. i wanted to turn to look at him, i did. and guess wad? caught him looking at me. eeks. k wadever, im over it. sheesh. science, i peeped on him. as always from my window. hoho, oh ya! did i mention? we get to choose our departments? I chose, pupil management and pupil development. I wanna be in PM so badly, hehhee. maths was, err. okay? i guesss, mother tongue escaped class :P cheh, no la. My mum fetched to go dental appointment. awesome, i know right. blahblahblah, after that, then i reached tampines mall. went to isetan, bought my billabong bag \m/ ohh yeah, since my mum say my school bag dah koyak. i bought a wallet too, hehee. total about hundred plus, hehehe. before that at tampines one, got this crazy dude went to hit his girlfriend. idk wads up with him, crazy ass. my mum was like pissed off man,hahaha. she so cute, and that girl so stupid can still stick with the guy. idk, both retarded i guess. k la bye. oh, and he accidentally called me o.o how? i mean like, u know. if im his recent caller then, understandable uh. but this, how? :/
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