uhuh, i dont know. i cant fucking hold the tears anymore. Im just, idk. not myself, so well today. I went to school with -insert name- and yeah, we walked to kembangan together and bullshit. While walking pass, his house. we didnt really expect to see him, so -insert name- hides but failed. good thing i knew how to go to school myself, using the bloody light thingy. I swear it was freaking dark, and scary and yeah. then, idk. when i saw him, i just broke down. gosh, i swear i look so stupid. haish, have my sit at the canteen, alone. then yeah, continued. good thing ben came, he cheered me up :) thats really sweet of him, but yeah this sucks. i dont know how long i could really take this any longer. He moved on, he looks duper happy without me. I think i should do the same, except about the moving on part. ohh, during pe. no mood. i swear, dont know why. gosh, i sat alone, and one P.E teacher came up to me asking. "why arent you sitting with your other classmates?" I said, " umm, why cannot uh" loll, ikr so rude. then he said," cann, go mix around with them la" I said," umm, no thanks i like to be alone." he continued," are you sure youre okay? if youre not go to a counsellor" at that point of time in my heart i was like," u serious". k wadver, science lesson couldnt concentrate with ifaafs block nose, and yeah. near my window i can see his class -.- going in and out. its really annoying, the fact that i had to face him every single minute/time in my life. ohh, he didnt talk to -insert name- for recess. I think its my fault :/ or maybe, he's just jealous xD hahaha, k dream on. 2011, such a boring year. for all i know, it only starts with all the sadness and bullshit. k bye.
haseef is really nice, :) he cheered me up. hee.
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