i detest u so much.

hate your ego.
tuesday, 18/o1/10.
to me, this day is like the most awesomest day among the others, since the others are like our daily routine. fucking boring, i swear. k wadever. so first period was math, nothing happened. cause miss ginny pig didnt come today! yayy! what an oinkoink. hate her please, like ttm. mother tongue, wasss as usual. Ifaaf disturbed johan with the,"jo jo joget" HAHAHA. k, adnan mother tongue he winked at me. omg, -faints- ok. kidding, recesss. as always, the gile me comes back. OH AND U KNOW WAD. ON MONDAY I LOST MY FREAKING PHONE. & i bought a new one in the end :) hehehehe, my darling xperia. hoho, x10. got it like, yeah. the next day itself. ohh yeah *shakes butt* hoho, my parents didnt scold me about the phone. well, nagged yeah. of course la, but didnt scold like crazy. hee. ok! getting back to this. shine was awesome, u know the guy, i used to call i meant the teacher he very the botak depan. he look so fierce but actually he's not. Shine is like a subject, something to do with alot of talking but awesome fun. so yeah, he was talking about THINKING POSITIVE. my favourite subject, hoho. u know, i have an inside joke for this, :P shhh, cannot tell anyone. embarrassing moment, well. after recess, his class was next to mine. i was waiting outside, then he walked pass with the 'arrogant' way he walk. wadever,, beetch. hahahahah, so yeah. then this TALL teacher came in the one with the botak thingy infront. He walks in started blabbering good stuff of course, omg. he so cute la k, hahahahaha. then half way through the lesson, he somehow kept on seducing my bag -.- and touch somemore and touch. zakiyah, ifaaf, su ying, jia hwee started laughing. then, mr tan," girl! why u always laugh?" to zakiyah, zakiyah," giggles- cher, why u always touch her bag?" then he said he wanted to annoy me, then teacher ask me to scold him for touching my bag. omg, i was like talking crap laaaaaaaaa, the whole class laughed sia. omg, so paiseyh, FAILED. omg FAILED. i was like literally talking crap, mavis was like," EH ZAHIDAH, ARE U LIKE DUMB?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, then bell rang. tarmidzi walked pass my class, he was actually looking at our class till i look outside, then he quickly turned his head. whats up with him, hmm. ignored- so yeah, after that class the teacher said, he would remember me :)) AWW. SHO SWEET. NOW HE MY FAVOURITE TEACHER K. hahahahhahahaha, then after i shine was english. gosh, whats up with miss parvin, shes like getting more mean-er and mean-er everyday. pms, i think. assembly, was about the freaking sec two camp. goshhhhhh, really? camp? HAHA. sec two enrichment sucks, omg. what crap we doing also i dont care, and u know wad? our whole class dont like this new china girl, her name is Yi yi. suckaaaaaae. ikr, she step. she wanna be first in class, when obviously wei yi is always the top. sheesh. so yeah, after enrichment decided to go kembangan and eat. i belanje ifaaf makan, since she takde money. mummy asked me too :))
and so, we walked. OMG, I SAW HIM AGAIN. -eeeks- !!!! not him him, but him (: while walking to tropical, shaziq was suppose to be like on the bus, but idk how he got off so yeah. hahahahaha, then walking walking walking, u know wad? the group of guys at that shop was like, 'switting' at us. then, they like look all the way u know, ifaaf and me were like gaying. ahhahaa, she cold wad, so must hug her to keep her warm :p awww, hehehehe. then while crossing the traffic, was waiting for him to go first. or else.. BAMM. ok, then the guys were still switting -_- then ifaaf turned, then one of them was like,"RED BAG RED BAG" omg. me la, then me and ifaaf lol-ed all the way. we gossiped at jalan gossip d: we re-named it. Its suppose to be jalan selamat, buttt yeah. our way is jalan gossip ^^ shh. walked passed wenwei's house, so yeah. his dog was there, HAHAHA. he saw us, then kept quiet u know at first, until that stupid shaziq said," SA SA" the dogs name, barked super loud la, then i join in the fun d: HEHEHEHE. she kept on barking, what a bitch. hahahahahahhahahhaah, so yeah. ate blahblahblah, then shaziq went home first. me and ifaaf made friends with a girl, whose like 6 years old. she offers us sweets, how cute. and yeah, her name is ,"ain" hahahah. so met my mum, at tampines mall after that for my phone. and yeah, done. omg, so tiring laaa. but i had fun, :) k bye ~ im like so busy this week.
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