“Why can’t I simply ignore you?”.
This question had been lingering on my thoughts since the day we’ve got things done. I’ve been mentioning too many goodbyes and moving on, yet at the end of the day, I still end up noticing how you have been. I just can’t keep up with myself. I’ve been trying and up to now, I’m still trying my very best to get things done. I don’t want to feel anything anymore. Trust me. This feeling makes me feel so sick and stupid. Why does my heart keeps on pre-entering my motives and plans of simply getting over? I wonder myself. But, it seems like at the end of each and every day, this question keeps on getting into my system. And soon, it looks like I’m gonna get used to it.
I never stopped dreaming that one day, when you walk by me, I won’t feel anything anymore. I never stopped hoping that one day I’ll get over things as if nothing happened. But, for now, this question slowly kills me. “Why oh why can’t I simply ignore you?
Hi! lets blog about yesterday, since today nothing interesting happened, hoho. eh, tomorrow my sisters engagement. and i haveee to wake up early, just to follow her. im such a sweet sibling. okay wadever, lets get to the point.
Friday, 14/01/11
woke upppppp, went to school with shaziq. that idiot, then saw meiying waiting for juliana. hopped on the bus, then blahblahblah. Meiying came to me and we talked about someone, not to be mentioned. heeh. we were gossiping, well not really. she was telling me, about yeah youknow. someone, while we were half way talking and i drinking my delicious and awesome low fat milk. hoho, when i turned. i kinda caught him looking at us, maybe. he's wondering why the hell would i get so close to her, well of course i avoided contact, so yeah. wadever, i continued talking. yada-yada-yada-talk-talk. In the halllll, gosh, you know wad? another fvcking rumour again. well, i kinda heard something about him liking that bloody sec one. ooopz, not my fault, i guess he really does like herr. well, i kinda over-heard- the conversation, so yeah.. then i asked the girl beside me," soooooo, -insert girl's name- likes him?" "nono, another way round" i was like -.- okay wadeverrrrrr~ then the girl beside me asked,"wad do you think of that girl?" with my, idgas voice i said," ahlian." then they laughed, loooool. Art lesson was the first period, texted Johan about some matter, and yeahhhhhh. we had to draw this stupid fish, with no grids -.- im annoyed. like really, heh. IH, then blahblahblahh. recesssss, everyone looked at ifaaf cause she was using that helmet thingy. tskkk xD oh! i love home ec. wanna know wad happen? :D okayokay, so here it goes. its not exactly like this but something like this! xD
miss nura: why u guys wanna hand in your work so early?
zakiyah: so week
end can go out with our boyfriend(s) mahh! m
e: zakiyah! got boyfriend ahh :PP zakiyah: nooo! anyhow only.
miss nura: you both got boyfriends?
zakiyah&me: noooo!
me: but zakiyah have :P
miss nura: zahidah, u have right?
-whole class- : OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
that stupid sound effect. well not really whole class but yeah only a few.
me: uhmmmmmm, yeah?
miss nura: our school, or outside school? outside school right.
me: nope -smiles-
miss nura: sec? 2?
me: yeahh. na.
miss nura: who? ridha?
me: NO! eee, he still with sabrinaa la.
miss nura: o
h? still? then, from which class? me: uhmm, 213. chinese.
miss nura: who? wenwei?!
me: -smiles-
miss nura: he's a nice guy.
me: but cher! we both no more alr :x but i still like him though.
then jia hwee said, " Zahidah! so straightforward sia you"
oops, so was i suppose to tell her or not? hopefully she keeps it to herself. omg, hahahaha.
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