best bitches of my life.

Ifaaf, Zakiyah, Thila, Amirah ! you guys, changed my life this 2010. alot, from the nerdy old me. wait, im still nerdy, hahaha. okay wadever, I love you guys ttm. alot k alot, no one i mean no one can seperate us, yes. eventhough we have alott of fights somehow we work it out together, and i like it. hahahhaha, and now something personal for you guys. we share secrets and gossip alot. hohohohohhoo, Ilysm, k kkkkkkk.
Ifaaf - omg, this girl. first day of school i was like, WTF? why the hell is she smiling at me. hahahaha, please stop. but instead i kept smiling back. hahahahha, then yeahh. somehow we started talking then, and u thought i wasnt a malay. thanks eh, loll. thenn we started hanging out and chill, hahahah. it was so fun i swear. months pass by, and we both ALWAYS go out together. hohoho, it was an awesome 2010. and with the drama we're like wadevaaaaaaaaa. not only that, you also make me choose the right choices in life, AND AND AND not forgetting the fact that youre so damn bloody horny. ROFL, but i like it. and the same time its hilarious, hoho. arent i right? you make people smile easily, when the rest are sad. but HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO MAKE YOU HAPPY? ROFL, its like super difficult i tell you. hoho, then when time fliessssss, yeah. i realise you can make yourself happy C: u cheer me up, when im down, like totally down. and we watch over apeks. which is so fun, hahahahah. k laa, i hope until we leave this bloody school we'll still be together((: last longgg, have a wicked 2010 spent with me and the other girls ;D
Zakiyah - hahahahhaa, this girl. first day in school, i was like whyy she like so noisy like that. attention seeker or wad, and somemore like minah. ROFL. hahahahahhahaha, okay thats wad i thought but it is TOTALLY NOT TRUE. i swear, hehehe. youre awesome laa beb, wait. you thought i was a filipino. WTF?! and u thought i didnt speak malay cause i spoke to you guys all in english. HAHAHHA. okay, first few months. we had fights, idk why, i think it was stupid really. but afterall, it was a'okay. I love the fact that you make friends so easily, and make guys fall in love with you like duper quick. hahahaha, idk how you do it beb, you got the power alright ^^ hahahha, youre so nice and sweet and loud and super sporting, im jealous ): hahaha, cheh. i hate the fact that nowadays you rarely hang out with us and its super sad, really. it is. but its okay, school is gonna re-open soon and we are gonna hang out as usual. byee babe, have an awesome 2011 :PP
Thila - youre our cliques joker! hahahaha, you were the second person i talked to, i was like okayy.. this girl stares at me like damn scary siaa. hahahaa, then we hang out first. its so cool, youre from chongzheng i asked so many questions and remember the first day we didnt dare to eat. HAHAHAHHAHAHA, funny. until i met you, then we ate together how cool. then i asked you to come with me so we can mix with the other girls, it was so cool. hahahah, then for maths lesson we sat together and stuff. aww, funnnn. youre like the funniest and the most sarcastic-iest girl i ever talked to :P but still, it was loads of fun. we make alot of jokes together and we bully adnan together. YAY. hahaha, im glad you pass that exam or else idk wad would happen): k! see you in school, have an awesome 2011 with me :P
Amirah - I miss you bitch, eventhough i message you like nobodys business but youre my business. I love you alot, you understand me. we understand each other how great it is. But before that, we had our differences we figured it out. and yeahh, i still remember the first time i met you was in the cyber world ~ which makes me four come together, to me youre like the brave one, eventhough youre scared of almost everything. like cats, and yeah cats. HAHAHAHA.but still, i hate the fact that youre always emo-ing but you changed alot in a goodway. no more emo, hohoho. now my turn k :P okay, ilysm. really, i love the fact that we have something in common, and the fact that we hate the same guy. HAHAHA, you know i know. youre the bestest slengest bitch i love, hoho. see you soon when school reopens oh! and im going school with you, i know you love me :P and the teddy that ifaaf and i bought ^^
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