I miss you, i swear.

I just want you to call me, and tell me how sorry you are for how you treated me. I want you to tell me how miserable you've been for the past 6 months, and how I was and am constantly on your mind. Tell me you compared me to every girl, and they were never enough because they weren't me. I want you to tell me how angry you've been at yourself for hurting me, and how now you'll do anything to be with me, and to make me happy; tell me you'll treat me how I deserve to be treated. BEG me to love you again. Promise me like you promised me before, but this time, mean it. - tumblr.
For all i know. It wont happen, -_- dream on zahidah. Ive been dreaming the same thing these past few days that one day we both will be back together again. amin. lool. but idk :/ I dont think he even likes me, i meant like. no more, goneeeee. so much for forever -_- cant believe im still holding on. currently talking to amirah, we're talking about some guy :x omg so cute la. k nvm, i only setia to that guy. mwahahahaha, sweet kan. i know, im doing my tuition work O: goodgirl. chehh. kbye. oh ya forgot, yesterday went shopping with mummy d: bought my guess necklace costing 55 dollars. heee, and some other diva stuffs too d: omg, YAY. few more days school is back bby' cant wait. rofl.
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