all i hear, is blahblahblah.

Hey, wee. 2 more days, till Beijing. heh, not so excited. but yeah, whatever ah. hahaha, Hehehe. Idris baik eh, since when? ahhaha, idk la. He sakit ah, He said his stress and stuff about girlfriend issue. Well, im soo not gonna get intu this whole problem thingy. Pity him alot, with all the spamming at his facebook. I wonder how is he gonna react. I feel his pain, i mean like. who the hell would want the whole world to know about ur problems. :x i think this boy need some space sorry no offence. and no, he's only my goodfriend -.- okay moving on! wanna know something? i still haven get over that guy. haha, ikr. gahhhhhhh! Amirah, asked me too. So i would, but my feelings fading for him. well, i think thats a good achievement. clapclap- My mind currently revolving on the problems im having, but ohh well. Im a freaking teenager, all i have to do. is like, BE HAPPY. gahhhhhhh. ohhkaylaaa, bye. Later got tuition, last one before i go to beijing. Miss me okay? :D kbye. Currently talking to Aliah, about some attention bitch-seeker. heh. okay, so mean. kbye.
waiit ! one more, last few days. I think it was on the sunday, Had chalet. Cik meng's chalet -_-
her birthday, okay. so camwhored, but i didnt really. dont like uh, then blahblah. Slapped aliah's face hard (: cause she so gila about some dude who use her -.- i mean like pakai kepala otak can or not? and then now that stupid guy goes for some girl. dont wanna mention name. hahaha, oh. then we gossiped. then got one girl starestare at the karaoke. she damn pretty, i swear. she's fanah. hehe, gawd damn hawt. hahaaaa, she was dared to come to our table. well she noticed me first of course (; CHEH. cause i was so damn noisy. then saw Hafiz j. hahahah, funny. so sombong. k la. now im done, bye. (:
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