HAHA, ni confirm no one punyaa. Correct or not? hmm, im planning to keep quiet about when im gonna leave singapore to go to beijing and i wanna see who realise :x HEHE. Im such a bad person, but. I just wanna see. Hehe, well. If u read this probably u would know now xD Im going on the sixteen and will be back on the twenty second. man, i know ive been repeating this d: heheeee, somehow im not that excited :/ boo. Oh, and I think i have insomnia. Ive been sleeping so late nowadays, yesterday i slept at six and woke up at like two in the afternoon. gahh, theres just so much thoughts in my mind lately. most of them its because of him i guess, haish. He wont ever realise it, duh. I wish i could read his mind, really. Only wishhh, wouldnt it be cool? Well, only his. gahh! should i wait or not. something ask me to stay, :/ so i would. I guess, sheesh. Oh and one more, didnt know that so many people read my tumblr. I mean like, the ones i didnt expect to. Some even ask me to be happy, Nice people(: I think i deserve to be happy too, if he's happy. kankankan? Currently chatting with Idris, gawd he's asking me stupid questions. ohh well. Later going Jb, kbye. Oh and people, who stay up late like me, please text me. hahahahaa. Miss me when im gone okay? (: gone to beijing laaaaaaa, Idris will d: heh.
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