2010. its coming to an end (:

right above this post, is my awesome friends. Im veryveryvery duper glad that i've met them, they help me alot in life, But most of them here, cheered me up when im down. they are so awesome i swear, they mean alot to me. Hurt them i kill you. Eventhough some of the above we havent met in reality, I feel like ive known them for like months. wait. I do, HAHAHA :P k wadever. So imma' gonna write something for each and everyone of them, aww. Ikr, I so sweet. hohoho.
Ryy dawson - Gosh! Im glad ive met you for real, youve been the best adik ever. I mean it, Im sorry i couldnt cheer you up that well. omg, i suck at it alot. But for all i know, youve been there for me. and i love you for that, thanks alot. You did well for your PSLE, gosh its sad that u couldnt get into my school): ohh well, hope you have an awesome time next year, and dont worry. People do wanna make friends with you, youre nice and duper hyper. hoho, and extremely cute ;D see you soon dearie.
Farhana - Ive only known you for a couple of minutes at macs but who cares! love your voice, and love the fact that you dared to come up to us just to talk and make friends, never regret making friends with you. see you soon dear!
Syafika Yusof - Omg, youre such a cutie pie, I love the fact that we talk online but i hate it when we never talk in real life, hohoho. Youre such a nice girl, duper sweet too. I wanna try talking to you soon :3 see you in school ;D
Shikin - omg, youre awesome, love your posts in tumblr. Hohoho, my favourite tumblr ever \m/ I envy you, idk why. but to me your perfect, im serious, I wanna meet you in reality )): goshh, hahaha. youre the best i swear, whenever i need help. you will always be there, i appreciate it alot. Eventhough i knew you since 2009, its okay. I wanna put you under my 2010 list, cause youre just so nice. hooo, k laaa. talk to you soon cutie! woo.
Erna - OMG, so long never see you i swear. Meet up soon k hunss. I love your laughter so cute, i never regret making friends with you at the playground when i was 'raping' ifaaf, hahahahah. i love it can, imysm. meet up please!
Ririn - Gosh, youre awesome. im sorry i couldnt attend to any of your parties ): im really sorry, boo. But for all i know, youve been there for everyone. You never forget us, hoho. I like sharing my problems with you, really. I hope you and atuk last very long, you guys so sweet together i damn jealous you know. hohoho, and hope you get your kitty soon! and i wanna hug you when we meet k. I love you, hohoho, never regret making friends with you (((:
Mavis - Never talked to you so much in school, but i love the fact how you take charge remember BBQ? why didnt you go inside the pool ah?! hahahaa, yorue the best. you cooperate well with others, you make people laugh with you epic-ness. I love you very much la k. ((: I love the fact that i talked to you first :3 xD HOHOHO.
Nadine - OMG, youre damn pretty im jealous, i swear. I love you, so much. you help me relieve my stress, idk how you do it. But you do it real good, sometimes i wonder how you deal with your own problems, hee. Youre damn nice i swear, i never regret meeting you. You mean alot to me, im gonna be there for you when you need me ok! :)) see you real soon.
Naimi - we had our differences before, but whatever. youre the nicest of all, youre like kinda shy too and totally humble. I love you, alot. I love your cheeks so cute, and hey, cheer up about the whole breakup thing youre beautiful you'll be loved by better guys. ((: see you soon.
Timothy - GOSH, My bestest friend. I love the fact that youre always there for me, talk to me whenever im bored and stuff and we like to keep secrets between each other i love it. hahahhaa, youre the bestest guy friend i ever had, you make me happy i swear. I wanna stay and be your classmate forever can? hehee,
Johan - JOHNNY! hahahhaa, we deal dramas together for the past months. HOHO, we talked random shit together and you help me alot. with my problems, and yeahh. youre nice, eventhough youre a matrep. HOHOHO. chehh, dont cry. kidding, never regret meeting you. hee.
Maria - omgg, dear. you've changed alot, its okay youre still my baby. We had our differences too, but we dealed with them with awesome-ness. CHEHH. I love the fact that u give me hugs everytime i meet you, it makes me feel so much better. I love you, and please dont do anything stupid. Im here ok? ((: see you soon.
Jiahwee - youre the best classmate ever, you help me in maths. hoho, and not to forget youre my bby! heeee, i love you. i never regret meeting you and so does 103. you make our class feel so alive. Heeeeeeee, k laa. bye classmate :3 see you in 203.
Zayy - my gossip buddy! and my far cousin. HAHA. cool, okay. youre weird, when i first met you in real life. we share secrets, last time. but now not that often,hohoho. My favourite senior laa you, hohoho. shh, secret. k i lub you k. bye. see you in school :3
Naimah - hey babe! youre awesome, i swear. you stick up for yourself and you have an awesome tumblr cause u always reblog it from me :P HOHOHO, k i lub you. i never regret meeting you cause, idk. i love that you always have fun with your friends, and me :P at times, k la makcik. see you around.
Izah - I love the fact that we always shop with dian, together. we shop for pretty things and cheap stuff, and we camwhore like crazy. love it! never regret meeting you, youre the friendliest eventhough youre shy. see ya realll soon dear((:
Dayana - hey butch, youre awesome. I love the way you talk, i mean like when u comment on stuff its like so cool. nvm if u dont get wad i meant, thanks for helping me with you-know-who. But, sorry to say i guess hes not changing his mind, im moving on. thanks alottttttttttttttt beb, i love youuuu. kbyee tumblr bestfriend ;D
Hilya - gosh! its been awhile since i ever spoken to you, where you hilang?! mia, so long): imysm you know, i love your sense of style. I love your natural curls, its so beautiful. youre beautiful hunney, omg. please dont be sad about a guy, whose not worth your time dear i feel you ): youre waiting too huh? i think guys shouldnt keep a girl waiting, its rude. hahaha, ive never regret talking to you about our problems. wish you a great life ahead. especially for 2011. ((:
Rhyna - gosh! youre so pretty i swear, very gorgeous. and stop saying i am ): cause its not true beb, not true. hahahaa, wad happen between you and him? ): im so sorry for you guys, ohh well theres better ones out there. thank you so much for your advise, i still dont know if i should hold on or just move on. booooooooo, ive never regret talking to you. makes me feel so alive, i wanna meet you someday((: take care sweets, hope you have an awesome 2011.
Rishaa - gosh, youre pretty. Im sorry about the incident that happen): its okay theres better dudes out there, im serious. youre too gorgeous, hohoho. glad that ive talk to you, you seem so sweet(: i wanna meet you soon, take care have an awesome 2011.
Rysha - youre so sweet, i swear. Im sorry about you-know-who. I think you should go for nafri, atleast his wayyyyyyyyy nicer, i love the fact that youre always so nice to everyone. heee, and soo pretty too. I wanna meet you someday (: take care love, i'll always be here when you need me.
Syiqah - gosh! my minahrep, ilysm. hohoho, hows you and ehem. chehhhhhhh, i wanna meet you someday and somewhere again :P ahahahaha, i never regret meeting or talking to you. youre the nicest of the nicest, and ure just awesome to me. muacks! love ya bitch, have an awesome year on 2011.
Shaziq - you idiot! befriending with my idiot :P HAHAHAHAHA, k wadever. youre nice, i swear. and damn random and funny, and stupid. never regret meeting you :P buttttttttttttttttttttttt, atfirst i hated you like hell. but who cares, it was an old story. now youre awesome! wait, im still awesomer. :P I wanna challenge you to halo reachsomeday. and im gonna win. kbyeee, see you soon sucker ^^
Idris - jangan step cute ah :P cheh, dah memang cute pun. HOHO. k i never regret meeting you. and you know, some secret shits we did. shhh, youre awesome and dont mia from fb. later i miss u k. k byee,see you soon in mac ;D
Nadiah - Last but not least, you nadiah! yes, we had so much fights last time round but wadever. youre awesome, i love you. i love the fact that you help me with my problems making me to think positive :DD You too k, hoho. youre so pretty, in reality and in pictures. i wanna meet you soon, hoho. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, ily. have an awesome 2011 year.
okay, im done. i havent bathe yet, hahahahahha. im awesome, chehh. I still havent finish with my other post yet. Till then, byeeeeeee((:
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