Outing with Aliah & Syafiq ! :D
Okay, so today wait. Last few days slept over aliah's house. Like, since sunday. Wait, or saturday. Since my mum and dad has a dinner thingy, ahaha. k, err. so after that. ive been having flu, like fvck. Idk la, aliah's place always made me this way :X k so mean. anyways, i missssssssssssss iew new sooooo much. Okay, like freaking much. Should i text him? Once the day arrived? I meant, 8th of october. Idk :x Im so scared, everytime i see his name on my phone. giving me the fvcking chills. gahh, im not looking forward to school. some people, cari pasal with me. I dont know, really. just because of one small thing, haish. Yeahyeah, Im such a bad influence k. kbye, ure so perfect. whut am i going to do now -_- lifes a bitch. k, then went out with syafiq and aliah. Met humairah, she soo cute k. We went to tamp, and stuff. Tamp platform, saw Ryy! :D My bby. Then I tegur her, heh. She was like O: then her friend Alya waved at me. i have no idea who she is really, xD So yeah, just waved. Im so pissed, cause i had to use my specs. My bloodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, eye contact like ter-tinggy -_- ter.. err, koyak :X i was too rough. not my fault, really. Heh. then blahblahblah, shopped here and there. Then yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, played psp? Idk laaaaaaaaaa, that thingy with remote. Then play skateboard thingyyyyyyy, gahh! damn -_- now like no mood like that. sheesh. kbye, Isukadia.
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