Rapunzelll ~
The point is. I pwned him, ahhahahah! Oh, yesterday went out with shaziq. We went to watch rapunzel(: HAAHA, AND NO. we are not together, If you're wondering. He's like a best friend.
The show was okay laaa, somehow. In the movie theatre there was like this boy, who talked so freaking loud. Shaziq and I, bastard we were like, " SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" HAHAHAHAHHA. Oh wait ! Before that we went to watch ELMOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo. I meant, sesame street. So effing cute laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ): I got a video of it. Later I show you guys okay? :D Cookie monster was like so bigg, and Shaziq was like afraid d: kentall ~ OH! Before that also we ate errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, swensens :-D He belanja. woo. I didnt finish my spaghetti):
After our movie, at plaza sing. Then it rained at kallang, HEHE. Then got shelter, went to peninsula, Lightning and shyt. Scary, So bloody cold sia. And I was wearing a dress at that point of time. Oh ya, did i mention the people beside us for bowling damn smelly :X Like never bathe for one whole year like that. Really, cannot tahan. Okay, from peninsula. There were like skaters and ang mo's. OMG, sooooo cute i tell u. But they talk so bloody loud. They starestare at me and shaziq, ee. but okay ah xD We went there to buy shaziq's shoes. Passed by a skater shop, omggg. hawwthawwt, fuuh~ k breathe. xD Then blahblahblah went back home, anddddddddddddddddddd at night. Guess who messaged? him. yeah, i was soo stupid to reply -_- shouldnt have. klabye.
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