do you remember the time, when we fell in love?

remember? rememmmmmmmber? when we got angry with each other, and all i did was poke you and said," oi! are u okay?" you still kept quiet, till i annoy you and keep on talking to you, and thenn we were okay again. ohmyg, i know its the most stupidest question yet. but, yeah. I didnt know what to say when i was near you, really. Wished i could still do that though, with our situation like this. woop. you wont even talk to me. I know i may, sound so desperate but whatever.

School? today? greatttttttttt, First period floorball! :) PE. hehehee, then had this stupid lecturer came to our class talk about yiyi's "incident" oh, you dont know how much people hates her now. In our class especialy, okay! whatever, recess. hmmmmm, eateateat. and yeah, copied work. blahblahblah, Sciencee was boring, didnt pay attention but had class test, our whole group worked together as a team, sweet right? i know! hehehee, 203 mahh. Maths? ginny pig, had class test, i kinda blacked out abit, idk. I kept on sneezing, after maths. Someone's class was outside mine, urgh. ignored, poke meiying, she tried to poke me back. hahaha, bleahh. Mother tongue boringggggggggggg, blahblahblah. I got maths remedial today ): and then floorball cancelled. cause theres no vacancy. Sad or whaaaaaaaat? k la. thats all for today, bye.


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