everything cancelled? ish.

Im gonna blog about those last few days, isit oooookay? alright! k, merepek. I know.
Thursday, 17 feb.
Hiiiiiiii :) so yeah, had school. Woke up as pernormal, had PE first period. the girls played badminton the guys played captains ball. hoho. After a few rounds playing it, we stopped. well, me and thila. too tired, and lazy :P had ICT, blahblahblah. Alot of people were online, ishh. Then recess, then science and thennnnnnnnn maths, lastly mother tongue -o- Today. Floorball was cancelled, greattttttttttt. And then Maths remedial also, wahhhhhh. Amirah, Pai tao me. as always -_- I merajuk with her, and soooooo. I go out with Sean ! yayy. hahahha. funnn. we walk about, then i loner sia. All alone, gotta wait till 5oclock, causee i wanna go back home with Joshuah. talked to sean, blahblahblah. Then anis came in, then we started talking about some crap. hoho, eh. He's actually a sweet and nice guy o.o i mean, after he told his stories. TROLOLOL. and so yeah, yay. 5 oclock, and Joshuah came. so yeah, left anis alone :P then saw amirah, jelingg. cheh, i know. I very mean. huhu ^^ so yeah, Joshuah waited for errr umm -inserts name- omg. he so cutee laaa, then when hes there i was like O.O shiittz. so yeah, he and his friends walked to tropical, they made some weird noises. so funny, and yeah. suddenly, after trop. Josh was like, " EH -inserts name- lets walk to ur house together! go kembangan" I was like, you serious? oh waitt! Joshuah, he's my senior. Sec 4, dude. I know him from floorball, then after he knows my secret somehow. We became quiet close O: so yyeah, we walked. it was lke, soooooo awkward. I kinda like, scream in my heart. So cool, ikr. then he started sayng my name, ohhhhhmyggggggggggg. wait, he knows my name :D EEEKS. okay so, then yeah. so much funn :B really. k la. byeeeeeeeeee, tired. know what? im sick):
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