
today, its gonna be the last day that im gonna shed a tear for you. i promise you, nomore.
so yeah, reached school. blahblahblah. sat in canteen, and yeahh. inserts something- and aww, there this girl. i forgot her name, she hugged me and asked me if everything was fine. shes so sweet, really (': touched my heart. blahblahblah, stupid performance, sitting same row as ducky! he so cute laa, wave at me then smilesmile, hahahaa. and then he waved, his friend also kpo, like ifaaf like that. after school, went out with ifaaf. Shalyna paitao rysha ): abeh i cancel cause, nanti cam awkward. wth. kesian kan, then me ifaaf wanted to go nex, but before that had lunch at kembangan, heheee. ate and chew and much, decided to go Kallang instead -__- cause of shaziq, we played bowling. before that, we waited for shaziq for 2 hours! omg, cannot tahan, he is annoying. oh! i watched a tornament match yesterday, my school against canberra. the guys there, woo! k panassssssss, theres this guy i was eyeing on. Number, 69. so cute la can, k whatever, then he smiled and winked at me omg. so at kallang at that point of time, I SAW 69 with the girlfriend, i was like WTH? he flirted with me at the match and then infront of the girlf step innocent, whaaaaat? gosh, k thats stupid. k nvmm, moving on~ so yeah, me and ifaaf walked around, looks like some of them remembered me. hmm, while sitting down waiting for shaziq, that idiot to come, guesss what? one of them, came up to me asking for my number saying that his friend wants my number. whaaaaaaaaat? i just gave you know as friends? ifaaf beside me was like, tryin to not laugh. But when they went off we laughed like hell, they came back asking for IFAAFS NUMBER. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA, but her guy was more teruk k. shh, cheh so mean, then blahblahblah, traumatising. hahaha, k. so yeah they went off, and we went back then online-ed searched for the 69 dude, and got him :P omg, hahahahahahaha. k, added he asked for my number to chat, wth? gave, eeeks. k la byee, my mum bising already :P
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