Happy Valentines day! :)

Valentines day also known as, ForeverAlone day! :) hehehe.
see thattttttt? the conversation ontop, yeahhhhhhhhhhh. hahahahhaha, okay so lets story telling nowwwwww! hehe. woke in the morning feeling dissy like fuck, grab my glasses walked into the toilet and bathe~ and then had breakfast, and drove off to school. so like we had mother tongue, Malay teacher so pissed, cause our Express class superb noisy laaa. Only first row was like, not asked to sit outside. my rowww, ofcourse. the goodgirls :) chehh! so like then, had PE. mr gabriel wee took over and it was no fun at all please ): played floorball. englishhh and i was busy writing something well a letter? to ehem, someone. Recess, i was holding a rose. and some stupid people were like asking me, WHERE U GET IT? and WHO GIVE U? i just said," ohh! admirer" Dhaswiniy so kpo, trolololol. then had english, i ate so much chocolate till like im so full please. Music sucked everyone was like talking all the way, didnt give a shit about the teacher, and then art. more funnnnn, hahahha. mr tan, was like EVERYONE QUIET DOWN. and do ur work, when there was no work, actually there is. but like, yeah we didnt do it. like majority. so like after school, rushed to andrew. gave the gift to him, he ran to his class. then after my meal at kembangan, went back to school. saw him, and then thila bastard she said," he throwed the rose away" i was like almost half way wanted to ohhwell. k, then andrew came, and he was like, NO HE DIDNT, hes holding it. and like yeah, i went crazy, he ate my ferroro thingy and yeah, was great happy ending. started going crazy and shit. then had floorball, Joshuah disturbed me! ): kbyeee.


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