memories, just came back.

08/02/11 ; tuesdays.
wee! walked towards zakiyah after reaching school, she was with zamir. hehee, she scared me with her brown eyes, like very the obvious one. hee, scary. I was like O: all the way. blahblahblah, went to hall with azri and douglas. Oh! azri my adik, sec one. hehee. be jealous, hes super nice. So i was like mixin with the sec ones their row, then all stare, walao. Sad or what, dont know how to smile ): i know ah i very pretty. hehehe, blahblahblah as usual area was noisy but teachers were just too deaf, miss pig didnt come and miss cheong replace her, shes like so small like my mum, but her voice like fucking loud. K whatever, malay disturbed akmal they were behind us, duh. hahahaa, Akmal kene the worst by ifaaf. Recess! fuck, memories just gushed in again, then i snapped out of it for awhile. blahblahblah, had ishine after that. LOL while going to class had to pass his class. annoyin, or what. this year, everywhere i go his class there. fuck, he talked to ifaaf and amirah, i was like hugging hafizah and the others randomly. I know i very weird. They loike, but one ran away from me. sad u know, k takpe. so paiseyh cause i had to chase her, and it was like infront of him. k whatever. something funny happened, lools. I was like, " IFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAF" then hugged, then she pretended to kiss me while walking and hugging. trolololol, we didnt noticed there was a class while we were walking pass xD till we turned then the whole NT class was staring. we quickly bend down and run hahahahahhahaa, and we laughed. Had english, i was like paying attention asking teachers questions. I know im a nice girl, hehee. Assembly sucked, so hot! Played with itouch, and drew on my hand some stuff. hehee, didnt have enrichment. So stayed back with azri and douglas! :) chatted in the library till 5, hahaa. then we went back unintentionally we met jarett and akram, hahaha. something happened, k so stupid. k la bye.
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