its FRIDAY FRIDAY, wait. timetable only..

dear, ex-bestf. seriously, whats your problem? I've like forgot our problem and you wanna make a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG fuss about it. cause of my physical appearance? whoaa. Im not perfect neither are you, so please STFU and GTFO cause IDGAF. okay, i mean. go around spreading crap and shitz, but really who are you to judge? and no, i dont care about our "friendship" anymore. Like i said, Just nudge me back whenever you wanna come into my life. You dont need to make a big fuss about it, pleaseeeee. I know you miss me. xoxo, zahidah.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011.
So like today, I took the same bus as mahathir, talked to him and disturbed him. I know im cool, hehehehe. Tuesday's timetable changed to fridays. So first period was art, slackkkkkkk! :) Then bell rang, shitoz. He's class outside. yknow what sucks? my class period always clashes with him _|_ fucccccccccccccccccccccccccck. I put my head on the table, so tired. He masuk, i turn. He looked. weeeeeeeeeee, k. then i smiled to myself again. -_- Jiahwee was like, zahidahh~ Giving her the face, im just like. keep it cool and calm, and please eh. If u wanna attract my attention, dont go around hitting people with pillows. LOL. cheh, step. as if he wants to attract my attention :P So like, After that IH. me and Ifaaf like totally didnt pay attention today. Which is good. Right? HAHAHA. She played sims. I was daydreaming, Recess. Didnt eat, im like full. So home econs, damn shoik. We did abit of the exercise and shit. Then after that we had like a full 1 hour break, teacher was like talking. She was eavesdropping when i talked about him. she was like, "zahidah, its in the past. move on." im like. .___. shits. so like, after that we had SL investiture thingy. Ifaaf danced and stuff like that. Joked around with Jiahwee cause got her 'him' :P hehehe, then after school, went to mac. Saw Aliah&Zafirah. Some guy asked for her number, Guess who? cannot tell. HAHAHA. ewww. xD for me ahh. hahaha, so like. we chatted about random shitz with JiaHwee. I went back to school, cause Joshuah wanna go back with me. heee, Hate Jun la ): he bully me. He keep on asking me about his bro. urgh. Joshuah also another idiot go ask me, when hes suppose to help me move on. JiaHwee uh ): go tell them EXTRA info. fishhhhhhhh. Sasa barked at me today, ): stupid Jun. urgh #&!(&!^$(!*#!. k la byee.
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