Cross country!

On the 8th of april, is my 6th monthsary with my imaginary dickhead boyfrienddd. hehehe, xoxo.
Friday, 8 April 2011.
cross country today, but i didnt run though. :) yaay. hahaha, woke up. met up with amirah, hugged* walked around with jia hwee. walao. He was there, and thenn. same row somemore. ohhfcuk. whats his problem?! so this day, im gonna be mr.gabriel's wee dog. LOL. Follow him wherever i go, im sick and i cant run so i helped out with the sec ones. blahblahblah, walked all the way behind so bloody coolz. okay, i walked then all the teachers were like asking. And the sec ones too, hahaa. sho cute. after all that shit, i saw joshuah! I was stuck with him the whole day, cause ifaaf was concentrating. Amirah was in Atlast, zakiyah cheerleader. and im, forever alone. Mr ryan neo played soccer, our DM. hahahhaa, failed. walao. Hes in alphine -_- the most fustrating one is, WHY IS ALPHINE ALWAYS BESIDE US? maciam tau jer. He was further away, I disturbed madeer, super shiokkk. hahaha. He got irritated and fustrated. hehee, so yeh. Andes, my house won the best maschot. however you spell it, \m/ ohhyeh. Rockies won the total thing, for the FIRST TIME ALPHINE DIDNT. OHYEH. so that whole thing was over, and ifaaf and zakiyah were unable to join us cause they have their HNF thingy. So Joshuah asked me and amirah to follow them to have lunch at BurgerKing with Jun and the others. I was so funn, I barely couldnt eat cause Josh was making me laugh and giggle so much, Even amirah couldnt. Jun and Josh are like the main attraction. Jiahwee was there, and soo. HEHEHE. Jun asked me like 1201931031 questions about him -_- omg. cannot tahan. Then i interview him and all. He's guilty :P like reall guilty. After BurgerKing headed to.. We actually wanted to go back home but then its a beautiful weekend as if was a friday. soooooooo, Jun decided to go cycling. im like, OH SHIT. i dont know how to cycle :< he insisted, so i asked him to teach in the end. Josh helped out too! But while we were otw there... He popped out, from macD's. Jun was like, "bro!" then points at me, im like ohhshit. *hides face* Jun kening when up and down laa, omgg. LOL or what. Me and amirah got our bikes. We panick-ed. But it was funn, reall fun. hahahaa, jia hwee cycled too, i was like using my legs. and at the other end, there was him -_- the stone places there. Emo-ing alone. I think he was looking when i screamed to myself. LOLL. Meiying was like, "hes lookin at u" when he sat there. Nahh, i dont think so. Amirah was like further apart from me, hahahahaha. Ifaaf told me, he was recently with angel. hmm, i thought angel followed him in the end but she didnt. heyy! not jealous okay :x But somehow, after thinking about it. I can freaking ride my bicycle. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, amirah too ^^ but shes way better than me. sadly. hahaha, Jess was like," OMG ZAHIDAH DONT FALL" then she laughed. Joel also bully me ): ahahha, Me and amirah hugged after succeeding ^^. He stared at amirah, and asked wheres his bro. Oops. too noisy i guess. hahahaa, we went back after that. Amirah was like so random along the way, about longkangs. so coolz. Jun and Josh was like, brother amirah. you okay? O.o hahaha. Moral of the story, I love today. 8th April, will always be remembered please.
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