Kept me waiting.

Thursday, 14 April 2011.
So like yeah, woke up. Reached Bedok, Took the bus. Amirah and Potato was there, ahhahaa. They took 222A. lool, they didnt see the A. hahahaha. Funny, though. And there was Alonzo, I smiled. He gave me that look. The blurr looked, texted him. He was like, "what?" whatthefuck. So yeh, squeeeeeeeezed through. Reached school, fucking tables are like wrong placed. Circle tables are at the side, im like whatthefuck? So like, yeah. I sat with Meiying and the others, Im like so freaking extra please. Before i walked in, there he was. At the circle table, with his group of friends. He turned, looked for a second. I looked, I rolled my eyes and continued walking. Amirah came after that, we were singing those songs. HAHA. freaking memories :') Saw him. Oh look how much fun he's having. with those girls, pushing him, flirting and bullshit. HAHAHA, infront of my fucking table. -.- no. not pudding. not worth it. *still singing to the lyrics* bell rang, up to the hall. ohgod, yknow what sucks? EVERYTIME. when im sitting down, I turned to look around. I freaking see you. Exactly at my row. Disturbed kokwai, Syazwan disturbed me. hahahhaa, Amirah and I talked about Justin bieber, loooooool. Then PE, blahblahblah. After school, was fun fun fun fun. Meiying and Jiahwee and me, went to kembangan. We ate, then gossiped. Fuck yeh, rained. My umbrella, broke. like wth? man. walked back to school again, cause i had to meet up with Joshuah. It was funnnnnnnnnn, really. We walked in the rain, went back home together. He's like my close friend please. He train-ed back. shiookkkkkk, Somehow he made me forget about him. He made me laugh like nonstop laaaaaaa. damn funny siotts. I accompanied him, to buy food. He made such a long time to do so, roflllllllll. Ntuc thing with him, was damn LOL. okayyyyyyy, k I just love him as my best close guy friend dude. So much funnnnn \m/ Im gonna miss him when he's gone though )': I walked passed Irfan, :/ the dude who liked me? Seems like the whole level knows already. Like wtffffffffffffffffffffff. I think he saw me walking with Joshuah. hahaha, But before i went to kembangan with Jiahwee and Meiying. Walked pass palm cove, there he was. And got this guy freaking annoying, Im like SHHH shuddup. and He's like, " EH! Kennard likes u. -_-" He shouted infront of him, hahhahahhahaa. Oh and got this sec one boy pushed me ): I feel so retarded. whatever la, i enjoyed today though. :) OHOH! I fucking passed my maths, I got 23/30 for maths. yaaaaaaayme.
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