your smile, irresistable.

all my friends are in love, hahahaa. Feel so left out, but I dont wanna be in love at the same time. I dont want that feeling back somehow. ahhahaa. Im weird man. Weird. Its like everytime. Everytime I see a friend, close to the guy. I mean like, reminds me of us. Like how we used to, its just sad that everything we had was gone. like, literally.
Texted, bestf last few days, cant believe i let him go after 4 fucking months. But i dont regret.. well. I miss him, and his jokes, and his laughter. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, whatever. past zahidah, past.
Dear you, yknow what? Im finally giving up on you, For the whole day of today. I didnt lay my eyes on you for one second, eventhough I really wanted to. But I didnt, so yeah. I passed! This few days, wait. no not only this pass few days, almost a few months has passed and, everything reminds me of you. Your name even appears at the freaking advertisement board la deyh. And the number 8 is like everywhere. Frustrating. Maybe, Its just a test. To see if im patient enough, 7months and nothing happened. I mean, time flew so fast. But memories still rush through my mind, like always. Ever happen to you before? apparently, i dont think so. You're just so good at hiding your feelings. One weakness of yours? Once people ask you about 'us' you tend to change the subject, or worst. Ignore it. ha. wait, I should really stop caring. I swear, I have no feelings for anyone at all. i mean, im not in the mood for it. Not even you, MAYBE. Im just not over your 'justin bieber' hair. HAHAHAHAHAA, okay thats just retarded. zahidah zahidah... well atleast, I dont talk about you that much anymore. yaaaaaaaay, so my feelings are fading for you. Soon, Just soon. I hope, you would wake and it suddenly hits you, that there wasnt anyone who loved you as much as I did.
Monday,25 April 2011
back to school! gosh, wtf. Everyone tegur-ed me with the short hair, OKAY I KNOW. its that bad, and the kening. omg, not minah laa ): Im trying to like clear it off. urgh, okay whatever. yknow whaaaaaaaaat? I avoided making eye contact. Im fucking proud of myself, okay okay. So like after school, we hangout with Ryan, Ifaaf and Thila, And Amirah. Talked alot of crap, i was bored. So much fun today, HappyHappyHappy! Okay dah bye.
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