Bieber Fever.

Dear you, after munching on those cookies. It sure got my lips smiling. You know the promise we make? You working hard, trying to get to the express stream and me no longer loving you. oh come on' Atleast Im trying to move my freaking butt but, look at you. urgh fuck, what the hell am i doing. Whatever, Im trying. But the one good thing is, I dont freak out anymore when you're around. yaaaaaaay me. okay bye, still love you k :) Forever 8th.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
woooooooooooooooo, today's the dayyyy. k whatever, skip everything! And after school, Went back blahblahblah. HAD SO MUCH FUN. JUSTIN BIEBER'S CONCERT ~ I felt like, i was in a club. i mean, with all the people dancing and shit. It was so cool, and the loud music.
Justin Bieber : Who wants to be my baby?
Girls : *screams*
There were like SOOOOOO many hot guys there, well majority who went were. hot. It was THAT loud okay, super shoik. hahaha. okay moving on. I went back at like twelve, after eating dinner. hahahaa, OMG, and I touched his van. There was him :)
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
woke up like late, 6.45. Gladly, Had Assembly. Really. I dont get the fact, why must I ALWAYS sit near him. I mean, even though our class is like two rows apart. Walked up to him. asked about those cookies, He said He passed to Jiahwee. omg, my baby sad ): idiotic boys. anyways, urgh, So like Ridha was talking to about some stuffs and yeh. Like that, hahahhaa. I thought I was like late man really, I went to school with Sham today. Met at kembangan, Was like fucking hot. hahaha, superb sweaty. Science PAL suck'd hahahaha. I dont know how to do, bluek. So IH, I think im finally concentrating. WAITWAIT. oh yeah, forgot. Miss tan taught us, thats why. Recess, I didnt eat. At all. For the first time~ damn pro, Im saving money uh. hahaha. hmm, Like yeh. Walked to IH class, saw Sham. oh, look bestfriend was there. *shouts* HI SHAM!! :) Bye SHAM!! . Bestf, turned and gimme that look. Was he jelly? cheh, I dont know la. dont care, Ifaaf during IH was like, "yknow you cant forever be like that? Its like, both of u are trying to make each other jealous." I gave her that face. loooool. So like yeah, Maths. I was daydreaming, I had bieber fever okay. So much fun siots. Then I heard his voice, He went for cricket match. :) hahahhaa. So after that science, we walked. Then me,
: Ifaaf! So many bangla's I like...
Ifaaf : Bangla Bangla Bangla, OH WAIT LOOK. ITS HIM.
Me and Ifaaf : *laughs*
damn loud laa. hahahaha, I think he saw me. I looked for a while, He was spinning around till He saw me I guess. Then He stopped. Lollll. So science, had an awesum experiment, blahblahblah. After that, saw his bro's class. Joshuah cut his hair!! :) JiaHwee kept quiet then, omg so emo. Went back home, me and amirah. We talked loads of 'stuff' klahhbye, time to do homework :P
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