running round leaving scars.

Dear you, wanna know what i've been thinking about lately? yeh. asking you what happen to us? I mean, you said we could be friends. yeahhh.. i know, only friends but nothing more. I was so clear to that, but It seems like we're not even 'friends' as you speak. I wanna talk things out, but i know you wouldnt want to talk about the past anymore. So, forget it. Yknow what? Im glad, really really glad. That I rarely see you in school nowadays :) To be truthful, I prayed to god, asking him to give me a sign if you had move on, by making you not appear in my face. Well, I guess its coming truee. So maybe, you probably did? But, what happen to.. I'll never let you go - promise? Now I understand that making promises are human nature, all we got to do is not take them seriously. I miss you, I do. No wait, I dont. After seeing your smile, sparks fly. So irresistable, thanks for the memories anyways. Bitter fucking sweet memories. lets give others a chance to have you eh? basically, you've changed me after we've broke up. Im no longer that 'playgirl' I used to be. Well, to you.. the promise, u getting into express, and well yeah me stop loving u. im trying, succeeding. If ure not working hard to, then, are u trying to ask me to stay? :/ xoxo, me.

Dear Bestfriend, Saw you today. Longboarding, I hide. Im glad you didnt see me, Hope you had fun. Have you ever thought of me once? I sure do, well. Not everyday, Remember that time? 'valentines day' you were suppose to be my 'date'? and well, On my birthday you promised to give me a birthday gift? aww. Forgot about the whole thing huh? Okay, take care. Hope one day you would come to your senses and finally finally apologise. xoxo, me.



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