Nothing stays the same.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011.
So we had PAL, and i reached school at about seven fifty plus. Heee, so like yeh reached school. Met amarpal so he can give me, his calculator. wee! :) blahblahblah. Recess, eateateat. IH, talktalktalktalk. Maths was kinda embarassing for me. so like, yeh.
me : *daydreaming*
Ifaaf: eh, he just walked passed.
me : huhh? whaat? He didnt look right?
Ifaaf : nope. -paused-
Ifaaf : ohhshit.
-He walked into my class-
me : *tries not look* *look somewhere else*
me : eh! JIA HWEE JIA HWEE, look at the door.
Jia hwee : *blurr look* what? OHHHHHHHHR
-He left-
me : He didnt heard that right? was it like, loud?
Thila,JiaHwee&Ifaaf : yeh, its THAT loud.
me : ._______. NOO.
omg, yeh damn paisei. He soo didnt heard that :) anyways, After school. Me and Jiahwee and the rest were at trop, like a few minutes, Brendon and his gang came. god.. failed at getting attention from the girl he likes.. HAHAHA. they left, leaving me and Jiahwee alone as they have the SL thingy.. like thirty minutes like that, I was still there. oh look' who came? Him. walked to jiahwee, Jiahwee sabo siaa. She was like, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ZAHIDAH. I looked away, He's friend was like staring at me and like looking at him at the same time, i mean. problem bro? something happened to his hand. He told ifaaf though, painful. alalalaa, cian. ._. wait. I dont care. *continues looking away* JiaHwee *observing him* then Jiahwee was like, eh. He looked at you, fuck no ^^ Hes hand painful for what. looklook, dig his eyes then he know. :B walked back to school, then Jiahwee saw hers :P HAHAHHAHA ^^ she damn happy please. Walked back to kembangan, and like we talked and chat. walao! damn sian le. After we went back, He went back to the same route. -__- always like that. k whatever. Amirah balik, damn sad please. I miss her ): kbye.
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