Stop appearin' infront of me.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011
heyhey, woke up. Wait, I woke up at 5, then I slept again. I broke my clock into two pieces. LOL. I was pissed, too noisy. hahahaa. retarded. Then I do my hair, like fuck sioll. Irritating fringe, go and grow la -.- idiot. okay so, err. yeah blahblahblah, we had maths during pal lesson. Yknow whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Ifaaf and I kena scolded ._. Cause we both talk alot. Soo after her nagging we caught one mistake of hers, that actually made us LOL. really, what zee' bitch.
Miss teh : If you girls know how to the the sum, You both dont need to be 'selfless'.
Me & Ifaaf : *looked at each other* *tahan*
Miss teh : I want both of you, to get atleast a B3.. Especially you I-faaf. Zahidah, you're catching up, I'll be expecting you to get a B3 also.
Me : -pokerface- *inside heart* WTH I JUST ONLY PASSED MATHS, u expect me too.. -.- nvmnvm.
miss teh, was like literally scolding us. HAHA, cause er. Ya. She was like, Yknow what? If you guys are not interested I might as well teach the 213's. Im like, THE HELL? of all classes uh. greeeeeeeaaaaaaaat. Her english has been bad ever since, hahahhahaha. stupid, its SELFISH. want to scold people also dont know how scold properly. hahahahhahaa, okay so. I bought sweets to school today, wait candy. Sticky. aww, I offered it to loads of people. Jun, Ridha, Akram and Awesum 203's. It was meant for them anyways :) sweet rights? We planning, to make 203 outing after midyears. Its been a long time though. No imports allowed man. Maybe a picnic or partayyyyyyyy! fyeah, we're awesum. hahaha, okay so. Recess blahblahblah, IH. erm err.. camwhore, took loads of pictures with Ifaaf. Didnt really pay attention, Maths .. got test. I can do it! lool, Science.. Idk what i did. I laughed to myself. After school, blahblhablah with ifaaf, waited with her for.. Ryan. Then we walked towards trop, saw Meiying and Jul and Aishah. Aishah asked about my kening, looooooool. problem? ;D hahaha, talked for awhile. Walked towards the church there with Ryan, disturbed both of them. Ryan disturbed me about him ): He said, you better stay away from Ifaaf or else I call him uh ! :D im like nooooOoooo, shuddup. *ignores* I walked away after that, leaving those two alone. So like yeah, while i was happily walking thinking about about someone. Guess who appeared? fucking HIM. whats his problem? Is he like, stalking me or something. wait. He read my mind.. LOL. kidding. eww. over it please. So like, he was with his friend saw me. I gave the poker face. I called Ifaaf, told her about it. He was bullying gautum. LOL. gay. Walked pass him, talked on the phone. He was literally behind, he walked pass me again to get to trop. *avoiding* and Yeah, I walked to the traffic light heading to kembangan. Mummy asked me to meet her at Mrt. :) He was buying drink, and when i was walking half way, I turned. Saw him walking, opposite at the prata shop. I was still talking on the phone though, I turned twice to check if he would be behind me. He was. But He sat at the staircase near the shop, and waited for me to walk first so like. we wont be able to clash or anything, fucking ironic. Talking on the phone, yknow what?! Shalyna called ): She said, Mr Ismad died. My primary five, Malay teacher. inna'lilla'. I walked kinda far already, I turned to check again. Saw something blue. It was him. He stop, cause when i turned again. He was gone. continued. I kinda like, took a look at him going into his house. then I went back. HAHAHAHA. what a stalker. nahhhh. kidding. urgh. so many signs. Im trying to get over it. k uhbye. Mei ying, Jiayou! :)
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