Carnival day!
Hey you! Remember this day? The day, we fought almost of the verge of breaking up. Remember? you selling the drink. Adnan and Johan approaching you. I remembered I cried, because of this fight. I cried infront of your face, a few metres or inches away. You looked really guilty then. Well, apparently the day of the Carnival last year was on the 30th. Everything that falls apart happens on this day itself. Ive move on, I stil do talk about it prolly still care but I dont love you anymore? Sad isnt it? No one is occupying the heart of mine. goodbye october. you mean alot to me than you'll ever know. Saturday, 29th October 2011 Woke up early, headed to school. Reached school, Walking with Izak finding for Miss Parvin. And Izak was like, "oi him" Im like where got? "on stage" We were walking around, called miss parvin. She waited for us at our booth. Our booth is under the games section. I helped miss parvin to and fro, I wanted to turn back. So I did, and Looks like...