Carnival day!
Saturday, 29th October 2011
Woke up early, headed to school. Reached school, Walking with Izak finding for Miss Parvin. And Izak was like, "oi him" Im like where got? "on stage" We were walking around, called miss parvin. She waited for us at our booth. Our booth is under the games section. I helped miss parvin to and fro, I wanted to turn back. So I did, and Looks like he's already staring at our direction then he looked away. He was on stage blowing the balloons together with lerwei. I always walk to and fro and had to walk pass him cause miss parvin asked me too. ohgod. Makan at our booth when Jiahwee came, then he came to our booth. But didnt literally, cause he was standing beside the other booth that was next to us but looking at our games. Weixiang asked If he wanted to play. Well I dared him too, but he didn't want to play. Shift was over headed over Cricket booth. Sat there, and I talked to Salman. Like omg. He took the exact same combinations as I did for express. ahh! What if he'll be in my class? Im dead. anyways, walked to the canteen. And I asked Ifaaf where is shaziq, and he is actually infront of me. oh and I always bumped into him. gah. Then I headed to the parade square, sat down saw the group of indian dancers dancing. Sat down on the floor, oo! He was there, he was sitting down the chair im just below the platform and then Shaziq is directly at my row. He saw me. Cant believe his status was for me, then he deleted it. ooo burned! I turned, he while talking to someone he looked down and then I wanted to smile but he quickly looked away after glancing through my eyes. Skip the rest! I forgot. So bby wanted to find Polarbear since Ravi claimed that he come. So we actually planned to find wenwei but he's gone. And I'll do the talking. We went to Bossaball! The bouncing thing, then sat beside timothy on the swing. And both of them were there. Shaziq and Wenwei -.- Wenwei saw me after a few mintues he gone to somewhere I dont know already. And Azri asked me, what happened to me and Shaziq's friendship. Cause he said we used to be close... ok. Shaziq was with angang then he purposely hold angang then bang into azri who was talking to me. then I look at him and ignored. So we headed off to the canteen finding for wenwei, then lerwei already like callingcalling her already from far. Say what jio her or something like that. I didnt want to go but I cant leave her alone since I promised I will help her asked. Then I walked towards wenwei, he was talking to bby. Disturbing I think. In chinese. So I tapped his body once, he turned and saw me and quickly looked away and continue talking to bby, well attempting too. But Jiahwee I think too busy kena disturbed by lerwei. Then I tapped wenwei 3 times. Then he turned and gave me the fuckface. Like cannot be bored like that, Im like "wheres your bro?" He then said, "idk" Walked off me walkwalk around then disturbed akid then we walked back to our booth then we did something. I forgot. Jiahwee suddenly said someone said Jun come already. I quickly go accompany her, but she like segan like that taknak. But dalam hati she wants la, so I pull her go see. I told her okay, dont make it obvious. So me and Jiahwee stand around the pancake stall there, when Jun is at tiny bites. We were talking to Andrew, and I saw Jun turned like twice? To see Jiahwee, and He waved at me too. After all that, we went off. Jiahwee said, Wenwei was also staring and looking at our group. I guess he knows what we're doing. When we went back, weixiang showed me a picture he took of wenwei. DAMN CUTE AND HOT OKAY. seriously, with the face. Then Mr lai now also know already, all make me blush teasing me asking me if i like him. They bastard la, the info com people want put my face and his face together then photoshop. idiots. hahahaha. but not bad eh. As long as they never put anything for the slideshows or whatsoever. Ruzana came and she saw wenwei. Damn cute! lol. after that wanted to meet Ocean and Bazil. And the song "someone like you" came playing, like what? We went by foyer, since we want to search for them. And then the part "nevermind i'll find someone like you" Im like SHIT! he also just nice come out from palm cove i think. I keep on seeing him coming to and fro, annoying laa. He didnt even looked at me. Hes like resisting it. Maybe thats how he moved on. So the second time wanted to go home, So I saw him walking in the gate so i told Ifaaf to go meet bazil and ocean first. I wanted to say my last goodbye to him. gah! A nice hug would be nice actually. Anywayss. walked in trying to find him everywhere, Gave up. Ifaaf asked me to come out went out was kinda dissapointed where he went.. So I just stand near the busstop hoping he would appear.. then BAM! He appeared, He walked passed me from behind. How the hell did he do that?! omg. Finally im like, "eh wenwei!" He turned and gave me the serious look, and Im like "Bye :) *waved*" He was like walking so fast, he turned abit and waved abit and he went off. gahh, last goodbyeee till i meet him next year. If feelings does still stay the same :/ Out makan with Bazil And Ocean, It was awkward atfirst but I started talking so it wasnt. wooo! Apparently happiest day of my life, well sort-of. I've been bumping into him too much.
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