That should be me.

Till I read the second conversation.....
'I like other people ? got meh ? ' 'why would i break your heart ?' wah, so that means you do like him... wait love him.. & he loves you. yaay! lovelove. that should be me I even asked you by using Jiahwee's phone. Looks like you really do take her seriously. But once I asked about how the fuck you've moved on. You didnt seem to answer. fuckyou. I remembered asking him if he was ever going to be with her. He's like, "Idk?" take care, take reallll good care of him k vivian k. ah' Sajak ah korang. Satu Ahlian nak mampus, Lagi satu Ahbeng tak menjadi. Bagusbagus.
Ever felt as if your heart literally sank? October, you suck. Fucking suck. Im just hoping you wont bring her to our school carnival on the 29th october itself. I'd die. Literally.
Reached school, Saw Amirah and Potato. While walking at the canteen, I thought they were behind me, well they are. Till I turned and I saw him. I quickly looked away, weird. Cause I was finding for him. Sat with Meiying and tears started falling because of yesterday. Hugged Jiahwee, both of us cried during assembly, then we stopped. Shit, same row. ah fuck it. IH, Meiying came to our Class and cheered us up. Awww, their drawing forever retarded but cutee. heehe. Appreciate it mann. and then recess. Went to the Cricket pitch for PE, saw him. And my classmates are already like, "zahidah zahidah.." Im there like, "uh? k" I wanted to play downstairs so, yeah. Adnan squeeze me when I wanted to talk and say Hi to Jem. Jem and Weixiang damn cool, I was like looking at Jem and Weixiang at the same time. Then Jem literally stared at me, I looked at him and I see both Jem and Weixiang using their eyes pointing at him who was near me. I ignored. like shit cool. PE was seriously slacking to the max, after that Jiahwee teared when she hugged me. Her tears wet my PE shirt but its okay, she deserves a hug. & I cant believe our incident happen at the same day. fuck? Did the two brothers planning shit. After School, Waited for amirah then Jun appeared. From the fourth floor? Ifaaf spotted him, and then I purposely hang out near the staircase. And soo...
Jun saw me. He looked and stared at me, I stared at him first though. Then Suddenly he smiled and waved, I also did the same thing. Jun while going down the stairs said.
Jun : "eh! I think my brother knows eh"
then Idk lah, I think too noisy or what. I never reply.
Me : *stares at jun* then give the sad face and point finger "ohhorrr....*pause* you made someone..." then Jun gave me the o_o face. Like pokerface and blur like that, He wanted to know what I said. So obvious, But I purposely didnt to make it a suspense for him. Walkwalkwalk, Saw Shaziq. oopz. He saw me, haha. So cute, then I look at the parade square.. I saw Ravi. Im like, "EH RAVI! ifaaf look ravi" then I see closer, "ifaaf...." Ifaaf was like, " ouh...ouh.. I see...." His head kena blocked by the sign board but I knew it was him. Then I suddenly remembered that Jun will head to the canteen and Jiahwee would be there, So me and Ifaaf decided to RUN and go to her incase anything happen. Phew, nothing. We ran pass him, luckily he didnt notice. I think, cause I didnt turn back. and I wanted to head the other way to the canteen near the cricket pitch there at the carpark cause canteen closer, then when I wanted to turn there. shitz, Its him. and Amal, and I turned back and I walked the other way pulling Ifaaf with me. hahaa, so in the end we went makan and stuff and talktalktalk. Haish. Something happened to Ifaaf, cant say it here. Ifaaf thinks he and the girl wont work out, prolly just a crush which they claim is "love", thats how i tend to be happy when I think positive. In conclusion, Amirah Ifaaf JiaHwee Me thinks October sucks. Realll bad k. Reall bad~
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