I hope it hurts.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Its like the things i said/think came true
Hellohello! Woke up at 6 and headed out by 7. Weixiang texted me asking me to go to school early, I mean why? haha. I didnt want to go to school early, therefore I took my time and headed to kembangan. In my heart, I know I wanted him to appear out from his house. And I keep thinking about it that it will happen. I reached kembangan MRT, and then walked straight to school yknow from his house. Coming near to his place, I didn't want to turn to the other side of the road or else I'd be facing his house. But I did turned abit and I could hear the gate sound and someone wearing blue. I knew it was him but I wasnt too confident you see so probably he did see me, probably he did not. I turned back once after walking near the ITE, I still see noone. So I thought it was just my imagination, walked pass Tropical got some guys all went out of school. Then I walked straight, Something asked me to turn back just to see if he happen to be there or not. And when I turned, I saw him. Behind me, but quite far. I quickly turn back and was like, "SHIT", Near busstop there I saw Akmal and waved, walked into school do Biometric, Hes still far away~ So yeah. Walked towards the canteen, I knew he would walk the other way. I mean why? Normally same way as me whutt. And then when I turn only, looking near the watercooler. Hes there walking looking at my direction, But I dont know if its me he's looking at though. Its like there was no one else that blocked that pavement, only meant for me and him. cheh. Ravi saw that and was like ^^ cheh zahidah, ehehe. Like that. Assembly, Jun hair funny! and er. Assembly, when he turned to talk to Amal. I caught him taking a glance, a fast one but wasnt that obvious. woo. 213 went up first, 203 were still downstairs. I was walking and then I asked ifaaf if he was there, she said yup! go look at upstairs all the way up. and then EVERYONE there they were like screaming "SALMAN SALMAN" wtf? I pretend uh looking at my phone smiling as If Michele was texting me. LOL. Irritating. After Literature exam, Went down from the other way quite long uh cause Ifaaf want to see mahdi and all. Soo.. We walked up, saw bestfriend. He and I looked and then I looked away... k akward. So uhm, headed to level two walked pass Hall. they were like, "YAAMMMMMMMM SENNNNG!" Idk la something like that, so loud headed down using that staircase. Talkingtalkingtalking to Ifaaf, I was wondering where he went though. Yknow when going down can see right whose at the canteen. I turned to my right wanting to see if he's there, and yes he was! already staring at the staircase there. I think he was daydreaming, Like cannot be so coincidental. right? blahblahblah, me and meiying tricia go 7-eleven. Meiying and Tricia wanted to walk the other side, then Im like take this one ah! Since the bus coming, I agreeed to follow them at the other side cause they wanted to stalk jem. When we mention about him, He appeared. Jem! hahahhaa. Funny. then Amal, Lerwei and then Him. WEIRDDD. Embarassing sia. Knvm, ahahah. I thought he wanted to go in the bus, But he went back home. what a goodboy. Aww. okay, all of a sudden I miss Shaziq. Shit. I miss my friendship with him. Dayummm.
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