Monday, October 3 2011
HappyBirthdayThianWenWei! I have no idea how many times I've mentioned that, but.. it was worth it. Rushed to the canteen early in the morning, blahblahblah. Ravi disturbed me about giving Wenwei love letter. What? So yeah, I asked Jun to help me. And He really did, Cause I forced him too. Im like, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE. Then this Jiahwee there smiling and laughing to herself. tsktsk, But before that he already guess it was for his brother. So yeah, Sat down for Assembly. ooo, He's behind me. Then blahblahblah, Exams? I was screwed. I did the wrongly. Haish, Lets just pray it'd be okay. Haish. Nothing much though, After school. I took the Bus with Meiying and Meiting, I kena separated by them cause I had to move in. & guess what? Bestfriend was there. Thats not worst yet. I had to stand infront of his face because of the cramp 222 bus, whattheshit. Seriously? He was playing taptap, looking down all the way. When I was staring at him. Luckily he didnt noticed. When he looked up I step as if I never see and looked away. Bus stopped at our destination and guess what? the Apek sitting beside him cannot wait, Ask Bestfriend to get up and then I had to make way. And my body was like against his? And the aunty somemore at my side cannot wait, Causing me and Shaziq to like clash? omg, Its super awkward la. Body to body, wth. I got off the Bus, and I wondered where Meiying went to I just went to the MRT straight, seriously. It was awkward. Me and him had like Idk, One spacing away from each other at the MRT, different doors. Before that I stand at the handicap place, He stand there too, but at the opposite side another cabin. He can see me, I can see him. woo. Then I got a sit I sat down, then he came to my cabin? wait in the middle there. Then I act as if Im crying, my acting damn pro! hehee. When he was at Tampines, He turned to looked at me, But I looked down. I can see it though, I acted only. Before that, Me and Him like damn emo. omg! Like drama like that. haish. I went back home, get ready then go out with Jiahwee! Woo, Awesum day today. I saw alot of people, weirdly. Everyone whom i know and recognised. Sabrina, Syazwan, Putra, Zul, Relfena, Mahadhir, Kelly, Najibah, Syafiqah, Fazira, Hafiz and the gang. ALOT OR WHAT. Spend our time there, and when I got home about to bathe. My phone vibrated, Its ifaaf!
Ifaaf : "Thanks ya? Help me thank zahidah also I dont have her number. Once again thanks :)"
Wenwei texted her that. omggg. & I straight away texted him this.
Me : Oi! Why delete my number uh? Save my number la~ zahidah here. Hows the cookie? ^^
Him : oh haha nice nice thanks !
Me : You're welcome :) And uhm happy birthday! Sorry didnt wish personally, you were walking too fast. Sheesh.
Him : haha ok ok ty.
waaah, everyone else he text all got the smiley and shit. Then me nothing? ): I JEALOUS LA. haish, but atleast. He appreciated it. K #happiestdayever.
Iloveyouwenwei. :)
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