8th September.
I dont get myself, I keep claiming I still like him, when I dont. yknow what? I just went in and saw the convo between him and that girl. Looks like its been awhile since they last texted, andandand after I read their conversation. I dont feel jealous anymore? Does this really means I've moved on? && akmal told me likelikelike me yesterday, damnit. Somehow, Im afraid to be in love again. Im afraid to get myself hooked up in a relationship. So probably, I guess all that 'love' shit towards him was actually puppylove? I wont be surprised if school were to reopen, and If I were to see his face again, I'd fall for him all over again. Crap, damnit.
ohmygod, I dont know what i'm feelin' & at this point of shitty time. That feeling for Mr.Tww comes back, Its super random. I could literally feel my heart breaking, but seriously. It came back all of a sudden. Damnit, I feel like crying. Those feelings, shit just go real. Im not going for it again, Its time i moved. Moved on for good. And I just realised its the 8 of september, 1 more month. till 8 October love'. I hope, you still remember. Happy 11th Monthsary to us bby'
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Hihi! I'll make this post a short one, okay? So yeah, The NA's asked me out to go JalanRaya with them, I knew Bestfriend would be there. But whatever, I came for the money. Since he claims and asks me to 'forget' him. Then I will fucking do. So yeah, woke up early. Met up with Aliah at my place, then Head off to Bedok Inter and after a few minutes I saw him there. He was kinda shocked to see me there, hmm. Expected. He ignore me, I ignore him. First house, Nadiah's place. I realise, we kept looking at each other. Its annoying, really. I mean what to do right? Outing together already, so must bare the consequences? Aliah was like, "eh dont heartache, shaziq sitting beside sabrina" Im like, uh okay? I didnt really give a shit at that point of time though. Im superwoman, I dont feel anything. yaay. Then blahblahblah, Sabrina's place. I was sitting opposite him, I ate like loads of rice. And then I think putra wanted the rice, and he couldnt scoop it, Bestf was holding the plate for putra, then Im like. " eh walao, so slow sia *grabs the ladle*" and uhm, It made it looks as if, Me and bestfriend was working as a team? Awkward. So yeah, skipped everything. And then, His place! walao, that one was superb awkward okay, reallyreally. I sat one corner alone, and yeah. His parents started talking to me, And I can see from his face he was like, " what the fuck, of all people why her? " the face. The father kept on asking me if i wanted to eat and stuff, and I didnt want to. Its really annoying how the mother keep telling me about him, when really. I dont want to know, Its cause I had and must forget him. And its difficult, damnit. How cute he was last time, gahh! okay, unforgettable memory for that day.
Wednesday, 7 October 2011
Hii! Another post, I'll make it short. Since Its been awhile since I last updated. So yeah, first house akmal's granny. Then Fahmy, and then Ifaaf's. whoa, Superb funn with all the laughters and shit. And yknow what? Wenwei wanted to tag along with us? ;) and I purposely asked them to purposely like, yknow.. yeah. chehh, but in the end he didnt follow. So yeah, Muiz Amirah, Me and Akmal, Farhan and Ifaaf, Fahmy and Zakiyah super everlasting couple. hahaha, Well for the rest for one day only. We acted like real couples yknow. Held hands, hugged and all. LOL. Seriously, while walking. It was kinda nice, To actually had that experience again. Its been awhile, hhahahaha. Im serious okay. It was weird how after all of that, I guess someone apparently developed alittle feelings for me. eh? zomg. shocking. Actually not surprised uh. OH, and yknow what? we saw salman, and I just talked about him before that. He blushed and kept on smiling to himself, he was wearing checkered shirt. And the mum, we salam her. awkward. It was superb, hanging out with them. Really. We're gonna do this more often. wee~
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