It feels that you actually cared once
Tuesday, September 13 2011
HiHi! Since yesterday was sort of the first day of school when school reopen. Nothing much happened actually. Shaziq saw me being with sean, whoa. He stared. Jealous much? hehe. Anyways, lets talk about today! Woke up as pernormal, So yeah waited for sean's grandfather to fetch me. Wahh, yknow what? He fetch us, The car like so bigg. So yeah, reached school and shit. Sat with amirah and crap, Then shaziq sat with us cause of this ridha ah. I mean Jarett, cause I dont know the whole clique was there before that. Well, I was facing amirah, so I didnt see Shaziq. Amirah was lke laughing and shaziq all the way because of his little hair, and played nerf gun. Sadly it was confiscated after that, cause of Mr ryan neo. Awkward, yknow why? I was reading the text, I saved it in my itouch and he came. Just in time. So yeah, they were using my itouch lucky never kpo or what. He was playing soccer, didnt really bother. Me and amirah headed to the parade square together through the carpark. yay. Saw Aron and waved. Then I was like so lost cause of my class and I had to squeeze my way through. I walked pass Salman, and him, He knew it was me. Cause I keep pushing people away, then Lastly I sat. ahahha. So yeah, I could see him from here. hehe, zomg. Salman beside me, walao he stalker. I was looking at him, He knew I was looking. But before that, He turned behind talk to his friend then eyes to me like super quick and then to his friend again. ehehhee, I giggled. Who sia not happy, I mean. I caught him looking back ;) Oh ya, after and assembly and shit. I purposely walked pass the second floor, I knew he was having mother tongue. ooo, as i was walking pass I saw two legs near the behind door, It was his. I knew it from far, He always sit like that. Then I walked pass, I didnt look at him though, well maybe abit. then I saw danial, purposely waved at him then talked to him. Jarett talked to me too. woo. So like I had to stop mah, for awhile. I tried turning back, but super failed la. haish. So yeah, First period literature. zomgggggg, This ravi so annoying. He keep on mentioning his name, when the whole class was quiet and actually sleeping -.- hahahhaa, somemore mrs cheong teaches him. lucky, she not the kpokpo. Me and Ravi were the only two active ones. After that mother tongue, I step cool ah walking pass Salman without even looking at him. lolz. Cheh, then Jem walked pass me. We both looked at each other then smilesmile. So cute, Ifaaf laughed. Mother tongue, Opposite. Heheh, mei ying's class. I change sit for the day and sat behind with Akmal. This one another annoying one, Just cause i know he likes me. walao, Keep on taking this and that. Then I can see him from far superb cute. Waved at meiying, hehehe. cause I texted her, wah I good stalker uh! like a boss. Recess and crap, English me and Jiahwee saw each other and we walked the long way together with Thila. Purposely walked pass 212. But I didnt see his face, damnit. So yeah, did work and shit~ Then Jun walked pass. Someone excited to the max sia, till I pointed out then she tried chilling but I know she was still thinking about it. hehehe. So yeah, After english. I knew he was having uhm, English? But in the different class, so walked down. Something happen to Jiahwee and Jun. AWW! but indirectly. So yeah, walked down then walked pass their class. Step cool~ Talking about some love stuff, I talk quite loud eh. Dont know if Salman got look outside or not. During maths lesson, Kinda funny. So yeah, His turn to walk pass our class cause it was assembly. My class havent dismiss. He walkwalk, then never look inside first yknow. Then near the door when cannot see already, he turned. At the same time I was already looking at him, super paiseyh. Then he like, o-o the *action* then walk. Wait face expression. He knows that Im sitting at his place now ;) WAIT. It is first my place, then he go and sit there. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, he can sense me. cehh~ Assembly, I seat soo far away from him. But beside shaziq, SEE. its either, him or bestfriend. great. So yeah, he looks so cute when he smiles. Shaziq was annoyed with the same guy im annoyed with at 211. so cool. After that during the break, Jarett came to our table which is actually his place, so when theres Jarett there is shaziq! well, He tried avoiding and all. Like keep on standing, like me like that when someone talk to him. then leave me alone. LOL. yupp, so blahblahblah enrichment, Break we went to seat at their place. whoa, awkward. hehehe, But I likey. Cheh, Well Ifaaf say its weird but I dont think so. So yeah, head to class and then I was walking up slowly saw bestfriend paused then walked up the staircase. I heard a weird idk, sound? I laughed, I think shaziq looked up and saw its me. He bend down then he run away. LOL sia. serious, blahblahblah. I saw salman I waved at him, wooo. Wait i forgot! recess I talk to lerwei. He's so cute, smiling. Anyways, I was walking with Jia hwee towards the second floor corridor wanted to say Hi to meiying. Then from far, well kinda close uh. Saw this boy, I thought its lerwei. But Its him. Hes class downstairs what, then same timing somemore, he went up. Like cool only. I walked pass him, I swear my heart was skipping so quick but I acted cool. Infront of him and Jiahwee, I didnt freak out sia. woo. So yeah, I can see meiying purposely turn away to not look at him. But yknow whats weird? at first he was looking outside there, and then when I walked pass he instantly turn. Then I reverse, I stopped at where he was sitting at the chair there, then was like "meiying *whispers*" then he was like, "SHHH" Me, "EH MEIYING" then wave then run away, cause the teacher asked who was that. I thought it was me sia, Then its him. HAHAHAH, fuh luckily. Enrichment, Talked about it and some other stuff. Y HE NO FORGIVE ME? ): haishhh. come to think of it, he fucking cried. wooo, and after enrichment saw bestfriend all the way. damnit.
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